Before We Start....

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Hello and thank you for choosing this story!!!

Before we start, I have to let you know that:

1. My update schedule sucks (My readers know that the last time I put up a chapter was basically a year ago...)

My current goal with this story is to finish writing it before publishing it. I am in the process of writing the novel.

2. If you plagiarize a part of my story, I will go nuts. I worked hard on this book and my ideas are original. Please, do not copy any part of this book. And if anyone sees a copycat, let me know ASAP!!! Characters with the same names as other stories are coincidental (but I doubt that other stories will have the exact same names as my characters. I purposefully tried to make them unique)

3. This story might be rough. I am not a professional writer, I am only in high school. I am not a great writer so I might make many mistakes. 

4. I am putting my blood, sweat, and tears into this story but it has been rough in the past couple months. I constantly deal with writer's block and it is hard to plan/outline an entire novel. Ironically, I know how the story starts and how it ends. Now, I have to plan everything in between. 

5. I am not a doctor. This story deals with issues such as mental illness and cancer. There is a good chance that the medical facts may be inaccurate. If they are, I'm sorry. I tried my best to do research on the conditions beforehand. 

6. Thank you to those who have stuck by me. Hopefully, this story will start being published before September. In the mean time, you have to deal with the chapters I already have up. When I start adding chapters, you will notice that there are some major changes in the plot. 

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me!!! I love you all xoxo

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