Chapter four

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"Morgan!" Reid shouts shaking him. Morgan opens his eyes and sits up to see Reid dressed and ready to go. "Reid what's wrong?" Morgan asks rubbing his eyes. "Another murdered happened and Hotch wants us there now." He answers. "Got it. Let me -" Morgan was interrupted by Reid handing him folded cloths. "I got it for you now hurry up!" Reid says. Morgan smiles and gets dressed but all he can think about was how Reid was perfect.

~ At the station ~

"Everyone we need to bring in witnesses. Morgan and Rossi go to the high school and talk to the sophomore class. Prentiss and JJ go to the crime scene. Reid and I will- " Hotch gets interrupted by Reid.
"Hotch I think I should go to the high school." Reid suggests.
"Why is that Reid? We need to figure out where are their comfort spots." Hotch says.
"Yes I know, however I am more comfortable with the kids than Rossi is. Sorry Rossi." Reid replies.

The room goes silent.

"Ok Reid. You and Morgan go to the high school and Rossi and I will stay here. Everyone go now." Hotch walks into the other room.
"Woah Reid." Prentiss teases.
"What? I really wanted to go." Reid says walking out. 
"I'm sure that was a part of it yea." JI snickers.

Morgan doesn't say anything. He was shocked that Reid did that. He smirks and follows Reid outside. "We ready to go?" Morgan asks. "Yea were ready." Reid answers entering the car.

~ At the school ~

"What the fuck is going on?!" Alisha hisses at the principal.
"That is no way to speak to me young lady!" Mr. White shouts.
"Woah woah what's going on here?" Morgan asks walking inside the classroom.
Alisha sees them and sits down in her seat quiet.
"The class is acting up." Mr. White whispers to them.
"Guys don't worry we have this under control." Morgan says trying to calm them down.
"Excuse me." Alisha mumbles and leaves the room.

Morgan and Reid exchange looks and with that Reid
leaves to go follow her. Morgan on the other hand had to talk to them individually about what they know about each other.

"Alisha please wait." Reid says.
Alisha turns around, her face looks emotionless. "Yes?" She replies.
"Are you ok?" Reid asks.
"Y-yeah. I just had to get out of there." She answers.
"We can talk outside if you like." He suggests.
She smiles. "Sure."

Reid follows her outside. They sit in front of the school.

"Do you think you can help me?" He asks.
"Yeah." She answers taking out a pack of cigarettes. Reid's eyes widen and he takes it away from here.
"Does anyone in your class fit the profile?" He asks.
"No. Because it's no one from our class." She replies trying to take back the cigarettes even though he was way taller than she was.
"What do you mean they aren't from your class?" He asks confused.
"I just know it isn't. None of my classmates have the balls to kill anyone." She answers crossing her arms.
"I'll inform Morgan. Thank you." He smiles heading back inside.
She grabs his hand, "Give it." She demands.
He sighs and hands her one. "You can have one but I keep the rest and thats final."
"Ugh fine." She groans lighting it up.

Reid walks back inside and finds Morgan waiting for him in the hallway. He blushes looking at Morgan all over, "Oh shit." He thinks turning away. Morgan must've noticed because he turned towards his direction and smirks.

"Well well. Look at pretty boy blushing." He smirks.
"Yeah probably cause you got a nice...everything." Alisha winks scanning Morgan. Morgan blushes lightly and Reid's blush gets worst.
"Alisha go back to class!" Reid says pushing her back to the classroom.
"Alright alright I'm going!" She laughs and runs inside.

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