Chapter Ten - Frank's POV

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It was rather hilarious how naïve I had been. Gerard liked me, loved me even. We didn’t say it again for a long time after the bathroom incident. I think it was more of a friendly love, I don’t think we were in love yet but there was no denying the strong attraction between us. Gerard was very drunk and shortly fell asleep. I simply watched him twitch on my lap while he slept. I called Mikey and told him we had to go home. I decided not to inform Mrs Way about the drinking,

“Frank your welcome to stay here, it’s pretty late and you guys have school tomorrow. You’ve both missed too much this week.”  She said, smiling.

Gerard was slightly leaning on me, half asleep, with his head settled comfortably in the crook of my neck. I felt rather embarrassed in front of Gerard’s Mom. Leading up the stairs to Gerard’s room Mrs Way winked at me. She knew, I flushed a hot scarlet which probably had confirmed her suspicions in which she gave an amused chuckle.

I dragged Gerard to his room and we fell asleep on the floor on top the mountain of duvets that were evidently still on the floor from the weekend. Gerard fell out of conscious immediately; I curled up beside him yet crooked my head to see the piece of paper that was hanging loosely from the ceiling, my note.

I looked at Gerard for a moment, he was murmuring,

“Frank..I don’t. Like…Being drunk. I’ll be okay. I’ll get better.”

It pained me to see he had done this to himself, giving him a sad smile I whispered in his ear,

“I know Gerard, I’m going to fix you.” And pressed a small chaste kiss in the nook of his ear.

If I was to do anything useful in this lifetime, I was going to fix Gerard.

The following day; Gerard and I strolled silently hands entwined to school, I literally couldn’t grasp how lucky I was. I took a long elated sigh and tightened my grip on Gerard’s hand; he turned his head slightly and smiled. God his smile was contagious, his smile was one of those smiles that you wouldn’t see often, and when you did it made you feel warm and safe inside knowing that he was happy. I loved Gerard’s smile, I loved seeing Gerard smile. He was complete opposite to the drunken and confused boy I saw the previous night.

“What’s going on in that most adorable brain of yours?” His giggle followed soon after my trance of admiration had stopped.

“Just how lucky I am.” Returning the smile.

“Oh really?” Raising an eyebrow at me, Gerard rubbed his thumb up my wrist.

“Yeah, I mean, you’re perfect and I honestly didn’t think you felt like this b-because I like you Gerard, a lot. Life is more fun with you.” I turned my head so he couldn’t see my blushing face, I had said too much. Like I always did.

Gerard simply cupped my face with his hands, God his hands were masterpieces, and kissed me softly. Gasping at the fast move I smiled against his lips at how sweet he was. Behind I heard a loud yell of the word “Faggots!” in the distance as I forgot we were close to school. To be honest I didn’t care, neither did Gerard. As we continued to kiss and laugh stood in the middle of the sidewalk.

“Okay so today there is a new art project, this will be a big part of your final senior grades, and you must work in pairs! There is one set theme of People, with one title and you must use media or photography.” Ms Weller stood at the front of the Art class scanning and keeping the attention of us all. The keyword ‘Pairs’ made me gently kick Gerard, who was much rather interested in doodling some-sort of zombie figurehead on his hand, in the ankle. His head jerked up as his hair flopped over his face, which was rather cute. He grinned at me and started to pay attention. I started to plan the project in my head, I was pretty handy with photography and online editing, Gerard was a genius at art and media. I could feel the corners of my mouth twitch uncontrollably into a broad smile.

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