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I stare at you

in awe ,

as your smooth

bronze skin

makes contact

with the magical

instrument , and

your fingers

gently push the

keys to taste

the feeling of

making love to

one another for

the first time ,

responding by

creating the

most beautiful

melody , as if

they were

moaning in pure

ecstasy .

and I a little tipsy

by the sight in

front of me , I

close my eyes ,

and let each note

engulf me into

a warm embrace ,

like a golden

sheet of


that could ease

anyone into a

peaceful slumber .

you were one

with the piano ,

and I stood

dumbfounded as

the music poured

out of you like

liquid gold that

glows under the

sun .

your playing was

a sweet euphony

to my ears ,

and I was







by the sound that

invaded every

nook of the boxy

room , and filled

the corners of my

eyes with salty

water that tumbled

out like dew drops

screaming ;

" I'm in love "

your hands kissed

the black and white

keys for the last time

before lifting your

face to give me a

dazzling smile ,

almost saying ;

" I know ".

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