Part Thirty Nine

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Monday rolled around and we had a substitute for Art. I looked at Kellie's old desk. I missed the way she'd look at me. She was full of love that I couldn't reciprocate. The funeral is tomorrow at six o clock. Focused on my work and lunch rolled around.
I sat at my table and looked across the room to see Tiffany stare at me. She caught me eye and looked down, smiling sheepishly.
Keep your head up. I smirked.
She got up and walked towards me, sitting at the table.
She rubbed her leg along mine. I grew uncomfortable and moved my leg away.
"What's the matter? Didn't you have fun at the party?" She winked at me.
I had fun because I got what I wanted, you.
"Mm, I did. Perhaps we could go again tonight."
She grinned,"Your place or mine?"
"Yours. Make sure you're home alone." I winked at her.
She bit her lip, growing impatient at the thought.
Ashly and Mikayla walked towards the table to sit down. Mikayla sat next to me as Ash stood there, looking at Tiff.
Tiffany stood up and glanced at her,"Hello Ashly." She turned and walked away.
Ashly sat down and looked at me in bewilderment. "According to how she looked, she doesn't appear to hate you as I thought she did."
"People change I guess."
The day soon ended and I went to house, finding sleeping pills in the medicine cabinet. I took an Uber,  I arrived at her house. I knocked and she opened the door, wearing black, lacy lingerie. She sized me up and dragged me inside.
"Before we start, do you want some water?"
"Yeah, sure."
I sat in her couch and she brought out two glasses filled with ice water.
"Hang on, I forgot something." She walked away and I leaned over, putting the pills into her drink, watching them dissolve. She came back with a lighter and lit the candles on her coffee table.
"There." She drank the entire glass of water.
"Now, where were we?" She grinned at me and crawled onto my lap. She began to kiss me. I held her close and let her do whatever.
She started kiss the side of my neck. She grabbed my hand and ran it up her up her bare thigh. My icy blue eyes met her golden ones. She moved my hand up her stomach and to her chest.
"You know you like that." She started to kiss my neck again, the kisses became slower. She then slumped against my chest.
She's gone.
I picked her up and carried her outside to her patio. I laid her on the ground and searched in her shed. I noticed the axe.
I picked it up and moved close to her. I looked over her body. A thin piece of paper.

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys! My friend's drawing of Drew is finally here!)

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