Draco smirked. It always amused him to watch his mother bust his father's balls.

"Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, you will apologize to your son at once. He is obviously determined to marry this girl and nothing either of us can say will change his mind. Now stop being a child and tell your son that you're happy for him."

When she was alive, Narcissa Malfoy had a statuesque, cold beauty that terrified most men to their bones. As a portrait, this same quality was even more startling. Lucius Malfoy was no fool, and realized that if he were to coexist next to his formidable wife for the rest of eternity, he would need to do as he was told.

"I'm sorry," Lucius grumbled in a quiet voice.

"I'm sorry, Father. What was that?" Draco asked, reveling with wicked glee over his father's discomfort.

"I'm sorry, son. I hope you and your Mudbl—er, Ms. Granger will be very happy together." The always pale Lucius Malfoy was now roughly the color of sour milk. He sounded as if he might choke on those words, so cloying were the flavor of them on his tongue.

"We will be." Draco faced his mother with admiration. "Mother, as always, it's been a pleasure watching you work."

Narcissa tipped her head slightly in her son's direction. "Please don't hesitate to bring Ms. Granger into the portrait hall the next time she comes to visit. I'd be happy to give her some pointers."

Draco smiled. "I doubt she needs them. I'm already a fool for her."


Hermione winced sympathetically as she marked a big, fat "T" on Brady Fitch's essay, the subject of which was, "How to Not Die When Facing a Nundu." His thesis: "Too bad. You will. Just close your eyes and think of England." If Albus Potter had written it, it would have been a joke. But this was Brady Fitch's handiwork. He was just a hopelessly dumb kid.

She sighed. "You're killing me, Smalls."

A series of tuts came from the doorway. "We can't have that."

She smiled. "I wasn't expecting you," she said, standing to greet Draco.

"Missed you," he said as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply.

"You saw me just yesterday," she said, not even bothering to fight her smile.

"Yes, but I'm a spoiled little brat who always needs to have the things he wants within arm's reach. I require constant attention from my fiancée."

"Well, lucky for you, I just finished grading essays for the day. I'm all yours," she said, kissing him again.

His hands tightened around her waist. "Mmmm. All mine. I hope it doesn't make me a chauvinist that I fucking love the sound of that." He began kissing along her jaw. He then said in his sternest, deepest Malfoy voice, "Lock the door."

She was absolutely powerless to fight the moan that escaped her. "Draco," she said, her knees quaking as his hands began undoing the buttons on her shirt. "We're in my classroom. There are children just outside."

"And they'll remain outside if we just lock the door," he said, his hands dipping under the cups of her bra. He smirked at her breathy gasp as his thumb flicked her nipple. Although a significant amount of the blood that belonged to his brain had traveled south to rest in his groin, he was able to summon the requisite neurons to wave his wand and cast a charm to lock the door. "Now I believe you said something about being all mine?"

She smiled and bit her lip, nodding coquettishly. "What do you want to do to me?"

He groaned, his mind instantly filling with the sort of romantic--yet slightly creepy--things he should probably keep to himself. I want to jump inside your veins and swim into your soul. I want to burrow into the Earth with you and never come up. I want to die the same minute as you, with you wrapped up in my arms.

An Indefinite Amount of Forever (A Harry Potter Fanfiction--Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now