"You also followed us around the house, invading portrait after portrait, until finally you interrupted us whilst we were shagging in the library."

Lucius reddened. "A mistake which I never made again, if I remember correctly."

Narcissa smiled through tight lips. "If my memory serves me correctly, Draco, you did that to your father on purpose, knowing he would invade your privacy. You might have taken the girl to your bedroom where you do not keep paintings for this very reason."

"But then how would he have learned his lesson?" Draco asked, feigning innocence.

"The point is, Draco, your mother and I were shocked that you brought a Muggle-born into this house. But we made peace with it—"

Draco interrupted him with an impressive scoff.

"Or rather, we have made something resembling peace with it because we were convinced this was just a passing fancy. A curiosity, if you will. A desire to taste forbidden fruits, to play in the mud. But your decision to bring her into your life permanently does not just affect you. Have you thought about what this will do to your son? What sort of stepmother will she make for Scorpius?" Lucius asked.

"An excellent one," Draco answered. "And I'll try to ignore your insulting insinuations regarding my interest in Hermione because I realize you're so bloody ignorant you really can't help it. But seriously, Father, have you seen the majority of purebloods these days? That gene pool could have used a bit of chlorine a long time ago."

Although Lucius did not understand what "clor-een" was, he assumed his son had made a smart-alecky remark and thusly fixed him with a glare. "You spit on the grave of your dead wife by bringing that Mudblood whore into this house."

Draco saw red. He was so angry he couldn't retort. There were no words good enough. So he simply made the decision to leave.

"No, darling, your father didn't mean that!" Narcissa cried after him.

"Yes, he did," Draco muttered darkly, turning to face his mother. "How can you defend him? I am happy with Hermione. We truly love each other, and still all he cares about is his fucking pureblood legacy!"

"Language, dear," Narcissa said.

"You chide me for my choice of words when he's the one who called my fiancée a whore and suggested that I was disrespecting Astoria's memory."

"I'm not condoning your father's behavior. What he said was crass and utterly out of line. But you have to understand, Draco dear, that it is no small thing to bring someone of Ms. Granger's pedigree into this family. You are breaking hundreds of years of protocol in doing so."

"I don't care."

"I am not suggesting that you should break your engagement, Draco," Narcissa said.

Both Lucius and Draco quirked cool, blond eyebrows at that statement and uttered simultaneously, "You're not?"

"Of course not. Your happiness is more important to me than tradition, but I am simply trying to impress upon you that this decision is not a small one."

"I agree, Mother. Which is why I put a lot more care into deciding who to spend the rest of my life with than can be said of almost any other Malfoy before me who just married whatever pureblooded bint came with the highest dowry. Hermione is special to me, Mother. And there's not a witch alive who could be more of a credit to the Malfoy name than her."

Narcissa nodded. "Well then, it seems that your father owes you an apology. Lucius, dear?"

"Narciiiissaa," Lucius whined. "Do I have to?"

An Indefinite Amount of Forever (A Harry Potter Fanfiction--Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now