Start from the beginning

"What the heck to you two think you're doing?" Rodney bellowed. None of them answered. Rodney tried to get Horace to talk but he didn't. He then asked Will what has going on, but all he got out of him was mumbling. Rodney sighed and made them both shake.  He then left and waved good bye to Annabelle. Annabelle waved and watched Rodney dispear behind the bend, the turned red in anger. She pushed Horace

"What the hell are you doing!" she yelled Horace staggered a few steps. He looked at her in innocent eyes.

"What did I do?" Annabelle sighed angrily

"I saw you, you were trying to hurt Tug!" She yelled. Horace turned red with anger

"The stupid shaggy grey dog bucked me off!" he yelled. Horace was hoping that his bellow would scare Annabelle and she would apologise but she didn't back down, instead she turned dark red, furious and angry

"That horse is not a dog, nor stupid! Of course he's going to buck you off!" She shouted. Alyss,Jenny and George stared anxiously at her. They hadn't seen her face clearly yet and had no idea who it was. But whoever it was, Alyss thought, she had guts and was not a girly-girl. Horace didn't know how to reply to Annabelle, so he just stood there, staring blankly at her. He hadn't known her to be so furious before. All he knew of her was that she was kind and was good at punching. Annabelle turned her head to Will.

"And Will! I can't believe you let him even go on Tug! You knew he would get bucked off and you didn't try to stop him, let alone make sure he's alright!" she boomed. Will straightened his back and spoke

"Horace deserved it, he was picking on Tug, me and George!" he said. Suddenly Annabelle's eyes dawned in realisation. Her anger quickly diapeared from her face and she looked back at Horace. Horace stood there, seeing Annabelle's kind and considerate eyes, which made him feel weak. He didn't want Annabelle to know that he wasn't coping battle school

"Horace are-" Annabelle began, Horace cut her off before saying anymore. He knew that she was going to ask him about Alda, Bryn and Jerome. It was hard enough for Annabelle to know, let alone his ward-mates. Especially Will.

"Shut up Annabelle! Why don't you go run off to your stupid little royal family and go get everyone to do things you want them to do!" he burst in to anger. Annabelle watched him run off. She felt bad now. She had just yelled and screamed at Horace when really, the ones that needed the yelling and screaming was Bryn, Alda and Jerome. She sighed, angry at her self. Then she heard her name.

"Annabelle?" Alyss, Jenny and George said at the same time. Annabelle turned to see their stunned faces

"Yes?" she said curious at what was going on "Princess Annabelle? The heir to the throne Annabelle? The Annabelle that Will wont shut up about?" Jenny said, bubbling in excitement. Annabelle sighed

"Yes that's me" she said in an irritated tone. Then her eye brows went in to a furrow. She looked at Will and smiled "Wait....You talk about me?" she said. Will blushed pink. He started shuffling his feet.

"Uh...Well...Um.." he said. Annabelle burst in to laughter.

"Well, I'm flattered" she said, then she rememebred that she needed to go after Horace. "Well, I've got to go, see you later" Annabelle aimed this at the two and girls and boy, then turned back to Will, "See you back at Halt's, flatterer" she said and slapped his shoulder.

"Bye" he said. And Annabelle ran off. After Will was sure Annabelle was out of earshot he sighed and turned to his ward-mates "Great" he said "She's probably going to tell Halt that" he said and his ward-mates just laughed.


Annabelle's smile soon disappeared after she was out of eye vision with Will.

Halt's Ranger Apprentices- John Flanagan Ranger Apprentice fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now