Chapter 4

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We got back from the concert of the lads and they're here with us in the hotel to pick up mom's stuff, and then we go to the airport to say our goodbyes


We are now in the airport waiting for mom's flight to be called, and for now me and Niall are hugging mom like our lives depended on it, and then we heard mom's flight being called, and the lads stood up and hugged mom, but me and Niall still won't let go

"Mom please don't leave me" I begged her

"I'm sorry honey but it's for work" she said, and me and Niall just nodded and we finally let go of her, and she kissed both of our foreheads, and as well as the other lads' and then she hugged us one more time, and then she walked away from us, and me and Niall couldn't control our sobs, and we bursted out crying, and Louis was comforting me while Liam was comforting Niall

"Come on let's go I'll drive this time" Louis said, and we just nodded, and he slid his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, and I was ok with it, though I felt sparks in the places where he touched me

So we went back to the hotel and the lads decided they would just sleepover, and they all slept in the Living room except for Niall because he slept with me, so he stripped down to his boxers and I just got a tank top and some shorts on, and we snuggled together, it was good to have my twin brother back, I love him to the moon and back, and I already miss Mom and Daddy, I was always a Daddy's girl, He was my hero, I love him so much, it's a shame I wasn't able to say goodbye to him, eventually darkness took over me


I am here in the kitchen right now making food for the lads, and of course I made extra for me and Niall, I woke up and Niall was still asleep so I just took a shower and freshened up and made breakfast, which consisted of pancakes and bacon and eggs and toast, and since the foods done I decided to wake all of them up, so so shouted as loud as loud as I can, and then I saw all of them run down the stairs, and as soon as that I was fine they calmed down

"Why'd you scream?" Harry asked

"Well I wanted to wake you guys up since breakfast was done" I said, and I saw Niall's eyes widen

"Don't mind if I do" he said and ran to the kitchen, and the rest of us followed him and he was already on his third pancake

"Seriously lad how can you eat so much?!" Liam asked, and Niall just shrugged, I don't blame them though Niall eats like a pig, but I can't blame Niall either because I also eat like a pig

"Hey I'm not the only one who eats this much, why do you think Naomi has extra pancakes?!" Niall defended himself, and I put my hands up

"I'm innocent, don't bring me into this, and it's not my fault that I make good food, I got my skills from mom" I said, and the lads looked at me and Niall amused

"What?" Me and Niall asked them

"Nothing it's just that you guys are so alike" Zayn said

"Well we are twins idiot" Niall said like it was the most obvious thing in the world

"Well anyway you guys should really taste these food, Naomi made them, and they're really good, they're the best, they're my favorite, well actually anything she cooks is good" Niall rambled about my cooking skills, and the lads looked at me, and I just shrugged, and they tasted the food, and their eyes widen

"You made this?!" They asked in unison, and I nodded

"It's delicious" Liam said

"Amazing" Zayn said

"Marry me!!!" Louis said

"Be my wife please" Harry said

The lads said, and I just giggled at what Louis and Harry said, and shook my head

"Thanks" I said







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