Rainbow Connection

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Seanwhite woke with a start. He remembered everything. Ruben had warned him about his stepfather wanting him...dead. He could hear the crickets chirping, but they sounded muffled as if he were inside.

Looking about he saw that he was in a darkened room. He could hear movement from the next room. He knew he wasn't back in the castle so he wasn't entirely afraid. Slowly he stood and crept to the door.

Peering out he saw a large room with a large table near to what looked like a kitchen. A staircase went up the wall beside his doorway. There was a large fireplace that lit most of the room while candles and oil lamps lit the rest. As he crept out of the room the door creaked.

"You're awake."

Seanwhite turned to the stairs and saw a young woman around his age. He didn't know if it were a trick of all the lamps and fire but the girl's skin was orange.

"Is something wrong?" she asked, moving a strand of her dirty blonde hair out of her gray-blue eyes.

"No," Seanwhite answered, "I-I just,"

"Never saw someone with orange skin?" The girl asked smiling. "Honey you haven't seen anything yet."

She made her way to the kitchen glancing behind and saying, "I was just about to check on you and then start dinner. The others will be back soon."

Seanwhite said nothing but followed the girl into the kitchen. "Mind some help?" he asked. "I did do some kitchen work back home."

The girl turned and looked at him quizzically. "Seanwhite, the prince, doing kitchen work? I'd like to see that."

"You know who I am?" he asked somewhat frightened.

"Who doesn't?" The girl replied. "Eyes red as blood. Hair black as ebony. Skin white as snow."

Seanwhite tried to hide his fear and said, "You know who I am. Who are you?"

"My name is Orange." She replied with a French accent. "My siblings and I are the ones who color the world."

Seanwhite wondered what she meant as he helped her with dinner. When the others arrived he saw what she meant. She had six other siblings, five boys and one girl. Each had skin the color they specialized in.

First, there was Bleu. His skin was blue in color which contrasted with his messy dark hair perfectly. His eyes were bright and matched his skintone. He smiled crookedly as he introduced himself.

Next was Jaune. He was the tallest of the group and had flawless yellow skin. His eyes were a darker blue than Bleu's but they took on an appearance of green from his skin. He reached out as if to shake hands, but pulled his hand away to run his fingers through his light brown hair, giving a cocky smile.

After him came the only other girl, Verte. Her blonde hair fell around her green face. It wasn't green as a witch's skin would be, but a happy spring like green. Her hazel eyes were bright and her voice had a comforting rasp to it.

Then came Violet and Rose. Violet smiled kindly and you could tell he was naturally happy by the way his blue-gray eyes sparkled. Seanwhite was somewhat surprised when the purple skinned boy hugged him. Rose stood away his expression hard to read o his pink face. However, he gave a halfsmile as he hid his pearl-blue eyes behind his blonde bangs.

Lastly came the leader of the group, Rouge. His skin was fiery red. The muscles in his square jaw tensed as his stormy gray eyes studied the newcomer. He turned to Orange and kissed her. "How long has the princeling been awake?"

"Not long." Orange replied glancing to me with a smile. "you may want to thank him. He helped me with dinner."

The others expressed their gratitude, yet Rouge kept his eyes trained on him.

"What brings you to the forest princeling?" Rouge asked taking a mouthful of the soup.

Seanwhite told them the story of how the young man warned him of his stepfather wanting him dead.

"That's terrible!" exclaimed Verte touching his hand sypathetically.

"Why would he want you dead?" Bleu asked leaning forward.

"Jealously is all I can say." Seanwhite replied. "Though why he's jealous of me I don't know."

"Your beauty most likely." Jaune said with a mouthful. He swallowed before continuing, "You must not have heard the stories of those others he's killed for their beauty."

Seanwhite had heard talk around the palace servants but thought it only a story meant to frighten the public.

"Now you're here," Rouge said, "and when he finds you here we'll all be killed."

"But he doesn't even know I'm alive." Seanwhite insisted. "He couldn't figure out unless one of you or that servant have tell him."

"We have no reason to tell him anything." Violet scoffs. "We have no love or loyalty to him. Your parents though were kind."

Seanwhite smiled. "Then I can stay?"

"You must pull your weight around here." Rouge said. "It's too dangerous for you to leave the house, but if you keep it in order you can stay."

"Oh, thank you." Seanwhite said smiling. "I promise the house will stay clean and that I'll help with the cooking and anything I can."

The rest of the meal was enjoyed with talk what their purpose was in the world along with Seanwhite talking about his life.

* * * * *

At the palace, the king had the liver and lungs boiled in salt water before eating them in his chamber. Ruben watched from the bed feeling sick. How could this monster be king?

Once the king finished his meal he turned to a large mirror on the wall and gazed at himself, sighing with approval. Without turning he said, "Strip yourself and you shall have your reward."

Ruben did as was told before the king joined him. He felt sick as the king raped him. Ruben kept silent and nearly vomited when he saw what had become of the heart. Somehow the king ran an electric current through it so it beat once more. He moaned as he ran the thing over himself.

When the act was over, Ruben was dismissed. He made his way to his own room and prepared to leave and search for the prince. The king would never have him again.

The king lay in his bed smiling content that he was once again The fairest.

You know the truth. You failed.

He sat up and looked to the mirror. "The prince lies dead in the wood. Behold his heart." The king held the organ up for the mirror to see.

The prince lives still. Fairest one so dear. The heart that you hold is one of a young deer.


A/N: ok so since i can only put one pic up at a time i thought id put up a cast list here for the "dwarves"

Rouge - Josh Hutcherson

Orange - Jennifer Laurence

Jaune - Drew Van Acker

Verte - Emma Stone

Bleu - Logan Lerman

Violet - Luke Benward

Rose - Tom Felton

Seanwhite: A BoyxBoy Retelling of Snow WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now