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One winter afternoon, a queen sat at her window embroidering a handkerchief. Sighing she looked out at the snow that covered the kingdom and wished that she and her husband would have a child. As she wished this she pricked her finger on the needle and three drops of her blood fell into the snow on the window ledge. She looked down and saw how lovely the red was against the snow. It was even more lovely with the ebony window frame.

"If I were to have a child," the queen thought to herself, "I would want it to look as lovely as this."

By the spring, the queen learned that she was with child and before the next winter she had a son. His skin was as white as snow, his hair as black as ebony, and his eyes were as red as blood. Her wish had come true and so she called the little prince Sean White.

The king and queen were both very happy and loved their son dearly. Yet before he was five years old, the king grew ill and died.

Years passed, and when the young prince turned ten his mother remarried. Sean White was happy to see his mother smile once again, but this happiness too couldn't last. Two years passed before his mother died as well.

Sean White's stepfather took the throne. He was to rule until the young prince came of age and challenged him for the throne. Unknown to everyone, the new king had a secret.

He was learned in dark magick and would use it to complete his twisted desires. Being vain and selfish he used the most disturbing magick to stay young and handsome.

Hidden by a curtain in his chamber was a large oval mirror. This mirror was magicked and had a spirit trapped within the glass. If the king had a question he would stand before the mirror and the spirit within it would always tell the truth.

One question the king asked daily was, "Magick Mirror on the wall, who is fairest of them all?"

As long as the mirror replied that he was, then the king was pleased. However, should the mirror tell him that another was fairer than he, the king would have them killed. Then, using his magick, he would bathe in the poor victim's blood and would eat their lungs, liver, and heart to gain their youth and beauty.

This carried on for years, even when Sean White's mother was alive. The king, after his mother's passing, saw that the young prince's beauty may grow greater than his. Thus, he dressed the poor prince in rags and made him a slave in his own home.

As long as the mirror told the king that he was fairest, Sean White was safe from the wrath of his stepfather.

Seanwhite: A BoyxBoy Retelling of Snow Whiteحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن