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  It had been two days since the kiss and Jiya was avoiding Sagar like plague. She would serve him tea in the morning and would move out of his room on some pretext or the other.

Even while speaking with him she never faced him directly but would talk or listen to his instructions with subdued eyes looking at the floor. Her behavior was irritating Sagar because his woman were not shy. Infact most of them slept with him on their first date while he had only kissed Jiya and she was behaving as if a major blunder had been committed.

The contract was ready to be signed any day so Sagar informed Nikhil but instead of meeting somewhere Nikhil informed him that he would come to Sagar's office to sign it.

Sagar knew that the real reason was to meet Jiya and he wasn't to happy about it.

Today Sagar had not arrived till noon. there was a knock at her door.

"May I come in Jiya madam?"

Jiya was surprised to see Nikhil.

"Yes of course sir. What will you have tea or coffee?"

"Whatever you will have Jiya?"

"Well I am more of a tea person."

"Ok then order two cups of tea."

"Let me call Sagar that you have arrived."

"Sagar will come soon. I have spoken to him already. Till that time let me enjoy my time sitting with a beautiful lady here." On hearing this Jiya blushed.

"You know Jiya you are very sweet and innocent. It is very difficult to find a girl like you."

"Nikhil sir"

"Don't call me sir. Just Nikhil."

"Ok Nikhil, you are flatterring me."

"I am not flatterring you Jiya you are very beautiful and innocent. Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Ok fine."

"Jiya Are you dating any one?"

"No. I have just arrived here. Moreover I don't believe in dating and all. Whenever time will be right I will ge married directly."

"That means you won't go out with me for dinner?"

"No I am sorry Nikhil I don't go out with strangers."

"I am not a stranger. I am Nikhil Garg an investor based in Uk but now planning to expand in India. I have one sister who is happily married. These days I live with my mom who is separated from my father in greater Kailash part II. Also I will take you to dinner as a friend note a date. I promise to return you home on time and also promise to behave as a true gentleman.Although I am tempted I will keep my emotions in check."

Jiya laughed at his short speech.

When he took her hand in his. She accepted his invitation;"Ok I will have dinner with a new friend who is a thorough gentleman."

Sagar had been listening to their conversation for the past ten minutes and fuming with jealousy.

"My my what a scene. I can see why you came to my office to sign the agreement?"

Nikhil smiled to him ansd said "Lets sign quickly. I have an important meeting in half an hour so I plan to leave in ten minutes."

Saying this he winked at Jiya," Lets get the job done."   

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