How he met you: Guren Nash

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Your POV

"Oh man I'm gonna be late!!!" You dashed up the hill . Today was you're first day of school and you woke up late! You ditched your shoe laces . You were so caught up running that you didn't a car was coming . You didn't hear the honks. 'Why today ?' You thought , knowing your life was going to end. "LOOK OUT!" A voice called out.

But , you felt a push instead. You opened your eyes , surprised to see that you were alive! And you were saved by a red and brown haired boy that had the most beautiful purple eyes in the whole world. "Are you alright?" He asked. His voice was even cute!

"Umm. Um Yeah! I'm fine! Ahahaa..." You stood up , brushing all of the dust and debris off you.

Guren POV

"LOOK OUT! " That girl was going to get hit! I leaped and managed to save her. So much for being the leader of the knights. The next thing I did not know was that our faces were inches apart . "Are you okay?" I asked, hoping for a response. She opened her eyes . Her E/C eyes left me in a daze. Her H/L H/C matched it perfectly. "Um . Umm Yeah! I'm fine ! Ahahaha..." She stood up. I grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

"Whats the rush ?" I questioned. "I'm late for school! Man . Sorry . But do you know which way is to (School name)?"

"I go to that school too! But school only starts at least an hour later ... " I notified her.

"Must be my alarm . Must have set it to my previous school clock. " She rubbed her head , blushing .

Your POV

"Umm. So what's your name ?" You asked him. "Guren . Nice to meet you!" "Y/N !" You two shook hands and talked along the way. Since you were new to Benham City , he told you to meet him at the main gate after school.

You had no idea why you were happier than usual. Was Guren your crush ? Or you were happy that you had a tour of Benham City for free?

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