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Once the debriefing was finally over with Fury, Alec exited through the doorway while bypassing a number of agents in uniform, nodding his greeting to a few familiar faces. He stopped off by the lower levels where he collected new documents entitling his next mission, giving the cute desk agent a wink and watching her cheeks flare with colour. He was feeling good right now, his life finally falling into place and that soothed his soul and gave him hope. 

As he stepped out of the elevator and entered the foyer he found Elliott Mercer standing with a new face, her body looking tiny in her pencil shirt and heels, an odd look on her since he only saw her in the usual uniform. The flirty brunette was already waving him over with a big grin. He moved towards the two agents, a little swagger in his step. 

"Shadow, huh?" Agent Mercer cooed out. She had heard through the grape-line that Agent Thayer had really impressed Nick Fury and that landed him his very own codename. Despite her own efforts, Fury had never given her a slick codename, just the generic Agent 47 badge of honour. 

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, Mercer." Alec couldn't stop himself from smiling, his attention drawing to the man standing tall beside them, a compact bow resting in his hands. He hadn't seen this man around before, which suggested he had been on his very own lengthly mission. 

Elliot rolled her eyes naturally, her arm slinging around Clint Barton's shoulders. The two of them had known each other for years and naturally, he enjoyed her charming clever thoughts and her ability to down beers like no man he knew. "Alec, this is Agent Barton. He's got a fancy codename too. Hawkeye." 

The men shook hands, their heads nodding in male fashion form of greetings. Clint had heard quite a bit about this new recruit while he had been away on a mission in Eastern Europe for a number of months. "Nice too meet you. Nat never stops talking about you." Clint spoke, his voice deep as he eyed the new agent his best friend had become apparently, very attached to.

"I hope only the good things," Alec let out a laugh and spotted Natasha over Clint's shoulder, his stomach flipping with the very sight of her. "I hope we can work together soon enough."

There was a new found determination in his mind now, something that had occurred with his new given codename and the praises from Fury himself. Confidence washed off him in waves and suddenly, he was excusing himself from the agents and moving towards the redhead with long strides. Natasha turned away from the desk agent who was handing over some new documents she needed to read over. Within seconds, Alec was beside her and before she could speak, before she could even smile at him or even breathe, his hands were fanning her waistline. She felt his muscles tighten around her body as he slightly dipped her backwards, a shine in his eyes. The documents fell from her hands and scattered towards the tiled floors as his lips pressed against her own. Her body was frozen for a second, her mind growing hazy. When her thoughts sparked back up again, her hands splashed against his biceps. Slowly, she opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to slide against her lips and her eyes closed just soaking up the feeling of having Alec Thayer pressed against her, his soft lips against her own. 

When he pulled her back up, her eyes snapped open and she found him grinning down at her. With her hands still holding his arms, she breathed out a long sigh. "What was that for?"

Alec just shrugged, acting very coy. "I've had a really good day and I thought why not make it better by kissing the most enchanting woman in the building?" Natasha was shaking her head at him, trying to stop the creeping smile that wanted to appear on her lips. "Plus, I've wanted to kiss you from the first moment I laid eyes on you, Alianovna."

"You know I hate it when you call me that." Natasha stared up at him, wonder and astonishment flooding through her system. She had not felt like this towards anyone in what felt like forever but somehow, Alec Thayer had wedged himself into her heart and she wasn't completely sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. 

The soldier kept on smiling though, enjoying the way this Russian spy hadn't moved out of his embrace yet and that only made his heart soar higher, knowing there was a very big possibility that she liked him back. "You know, soldier. If you keep calling me that and kissing me, I might just have to break your heart." Natasha went on.

Alec gave her an amused look, knowing this woman could tear his heart out and he would still want her more than anybody in the world. "I think it's already broken, spy." 

Natasha often thought her own heart was already broken too. With a tilt of her head, her eyes snatching up to meet his own once more, her lips tipped up with a half smile. "We shall see about that." 

Standing in the middle of the busy foyer, agents rushing around them and two unlikely friends cat calling and cheering for the broken hearted souls, it was almost a perfect ending to a story. A story that might get told to younger generations. But this story wasn't over, not by a long shot. 


Ohmygoodenss, they kissed and I'm grinning like a big fool. This is the end of part one and part two will skip five years and will still be AU, which is really fun. We'll be seeing a new side to their relationship and maybe some familiar faces. Anyway, I hope you all stick around for the next part because it's gonna' be cool but maybe heartbreaking too. We'll see.

- tinkertaydust

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