H.O.T. Secret Agent Dude 2

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I run and almost slip on the smooth tiles on the floor. A pair of arms pulls me up delicately.

“Thanks”, I say gratefully not looking at the person before me.

After I dust myself up I see Kiana, my best bud.

“Before you ask I have to tell you a secret concerning my mad dash to escape. And it can’t be out in the middle of the lower school hallways so just follow me”, I comment then head towards my brother’s car.

My brother is actually my cousin that we adopted because his parents are in a more secretive service. But enough with the minor details, I go to my brother’s car and Kiana and I get in after I unlock the doors to the car. Yes I have a spare key. I pull away from the school and start talking real quick.

“I know Kiana. This is Jordan’s car and he will probably get angry that we are taking his car from him. But I have real important news that will fly out of my mouth this instant. I just found a USB drive that seems to have important information on it. We need to hack it apparently. This is Chris Hanes’s USB drive for that matter. Do not ask how I received it because it would not make sense. Well let’s just say Chris may as well been a girl”, I tell her in a rush.

Kiana looks surprised.

“Wow. Chris Hanes?” she questions my ability to snag something from him.

“Yes and I plan to make him mine”, I reply.

“Your what?” a guy in the back seat questions.

“Tick tock, I wondered when you would strike”, I say and swivel around the corner to a local shop.

“How can you be calm?” Kiana questions.

“You’ll get used to Chris. After all he will soon be my boyfriend”, as I say this I pull the car to a stop and get out.

“No I will not and give me the USB now”, Chris orders. That makes me laugh in his face.      

“Trying to bring awareness to clueless citizens won’t stop me from getting the USB”, Chris comments.

“I’m getting a snack does anybody want anything”, I question ignoring Chris comment as he opens the door for me.

“Thank you. But politeness won’t make the task easier”, I inform Chris with a smirk. Chris rolls his eyes.

“Aren’t I always polite”, he replies.

“When you were my fake best friend? Yes. Now. No”, I answer.

“I want a coke”, Kiana interrupts from behind us.

“No problem”, I tell her with a grin.

“I want original Sun Chips”, Chirs says.

“Okay”, I reply snagging the chips off the shelf.   

“So what will I have to do in order for you to give me the USB”, Chris negotiates, clearly using another tactic.

I consider that and ponder what should I make him do.

“Let me view the contents first”, I reply getting a coke and skittles then head to the cashier.   

Chris is silent as I pay the cashier. I grin and walk with my skittles and let Kiana and Chris get their treats. Kiana hums a song and gets in the back seat of the car. I get in the car and raise an eyebrow at her while Chris claims the shotgun. Kiana smirks at me and nod in Chris’s direction. I finally understand.

“So where to?” I question.

“Back to school I suppose. You need to pick up your brother”, Chris replies.

“That is true”, I say while driving towards school.

We arrive at school and I notice that Chris is eager to go to the football practice. I will have to ask my brother what is the deal with Chris and football.

“Where is Dexter”, Kiana asks searching for him on the football field.

“He is number 32”, Chris answers.

After Kiana spots Dexter she waves at him. Dexter in returns grin at her and then gives her a salute.

Kiana laughs and then starts searching for somebody else.

“Marisol Elision. Your brother is no where to be found”, Kiana whines.

Chris snickers at the mention of my college name. I ignore him as usual.

“Jordan is in the middle of the huddle. Of course you cannot see him at the moment”, I reply.

“Oh”, Kiana replies.

I chuckle and then pay attention because the football practice is about start officially.

H.O.T. Secret Agent DudeWhere stories live. Discover now