Trapped With An Arrogant Bad Ass- xXMopelXx

Beginne am Anfang

6. Deuces - Chris Brown

7. Other side of love - Sean Paul

8. How did I fall in love with you - Backstreet Boys

9. Shape of my heart - Backstreet Boys

10. Whole Wide World - Mindy Gledhill

4. Did you fall in love/hate with any of the characters that you created?

Ella Collins pissed me off. Cade Brown was a prick. As you can see, I ADORED my characters. (Please note the sarcasm (;) There were several times where I wanted to choke Cade and downright backhand Ella for being so goddamn annoying. My goal was to create two VERY bi-polar characters and I think it worked. They were so hot and cold. But even though I created them, doesn't mean they didn't annoy me ;) Callie Myers, on the other hand... I had pity for that girl. I can't say I hated her, but I did dislike her a lot. My favorite character, despite him having a very small role, was Nathaniel Jordans. :)

5. What advice would you give to an aspiring writer?

Don't give up. I know this sounds cliche, but it's the very truth. No one gets their story 'popular' over night. Or in several days. Unless you're an already known writer on wattpad, there's no way. My first story that I posted on wattpad was 'Living With the Bad Boy' (I know, what an unoriginal title) and it took me forever for it to get to 2000 reads. It only got popular after 3 months and I only had 30000 reads on it at that time. My writing in that story is horrendous, cringe-worthy and vomit inducing. If you read my other works, you'll see my improvement. It's safe to say that the key is really not to give up. Make friends on wattpad, read other people's works, comment, join clubs, talk to others. Really, you need to be active in this community and actually enjoy it. And when I mean read a lot, I MEAN it. Read different styles and KEEP improving your writing. That's what I did. Even till this day, my writing isn't the best, but the good news is that I keep improving. Eventually, you'll grow as a writer, too :)

Also, please, don't try going to 'popular' writers on wattpad and asking them to promote, or share your stories to their fans to get more reads. It will make you come off as desperate and a little too eager. Most of the authors didn't do that, so why should you? You want to enjoy wattpad's community for what it is :)

6. Would you be open to people asking you to read their books?

I'm sorry to say this but no. I'm not open. A lot of people believe this has something to do with 'popularity', but even when I was 'Mahrsy with 200 fans' I loathed reading requests. I'm a very picky person when it comes to reading. Back in the old says where the SYS club used to exists, I did some Read-For-Reads, but that's it. Above all that, I don't have the time. I'm a full time college student that barely has enough time to type up chapters for my own stories, let alone read the stories that MY wattpad friends have written. So I definitely don't have time for others' reading requests. Plus, I prefer reading real published books. My sincere apologies! :(

7. Is there anything that you feel that readers should know about you or the book?

Um, well, about me... this might come out as a shocker, but I'm VERY insecure about my writing. I think everyone is. But I'm insecure to a point where it's scary :P. I love writing, but I get scarred sometimes and wonder what people TRULY think of my works. I make way to many mistakes and I'm a little lazy when it comes to editing. (Actually, very lazy.)

As for my story 'Trapped With An Arrogant Bad Ass'... um, I guess I can give random facts :)?

1. Trapped With An Arrogant Bad Ass was originally suppose to be a short story of 10 chapters. (We can all see how that worked out)

2. It's 84k words in total. I wrote it in 10 months.

3. If I could go back, I would re-write that whole story with more details, scene and dual point of view chapters. One Cade, one Ella :).

4. If in a few years I work up the courage, I would love the send in the manuscript of one of my stories to an agent and see where things go :).



I personally see no reason for her to be insecure about her books and writing. I have to admit that I personally am a hopeless romantic. Throughout this book I laughed, cried (probably more than I should have) and wanted to throw my phone across the room. This is the perfect story for any one that is looking excitement and a little bit (o.k. maybe a lot) of love. It was the perfect combination of a nail bitter and wanting to pull your hair out. Cade had me falling in and out of love with him, and also me wanting to smack the crap out of Ella. This is definitely a book that you're not going to be able to put down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xXMopelXx' s other books:

Boundless Ties

Living with the Bad Boy

Back to December (another one of my favorites)

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