Finding out🍼

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Rick Grimes: (Y/N) hadn't been feeling well as of recently. And she had missed her period three times, she thought nothing of it at first until the morning sickness punched her in the gut. It didn't dawn on her that she was pregnant until she had noticed the small baby bump that was forming.

Pacing nervously as she chewed on her thumb nail, anxiety was sinking in. What if Rick didn't want the baby, what if he throws her out, what if she ends up like Lori. Snapping out of her negative thoughts once a pair of arms wrapped around her waist.

"What's on your mind honey?"

Her mouth couldn't form words before she just blurted something out. "I'm fine." She felt his arms remove themselves from her waist.

"I'm glad, you had me worried. I thought you were getting sick on me." He joked as he pressed kisses to her shoulder while ghosting his fingers up her sides.

"I'll protect you, no matter what. I love you, try to get some rest." Once he left the room, her heart dropped. Her mouth felt dry as she sped walk to the bathroom, splashing water in her face.

With that horrific moment over, she hurriedly got into bed. Maybe she'd tell him another day.

Daryl Dixon: She found out pretty fast cause she had not only missed her period, she had started craving weird things. It wasn't until Carol had pointed out that she was beginning to show, that she had thought about telling Daryl.

Wiping her hands off on her jeans as she nervously approached Daryl's cell. Knocking on the doorway as she offered a anxious smile. "Hey babe, I have something to tell you." Getting the 'okay' from the younger Dixon. She slowly approached the bed where her unborn child's father was laying back on.

"Well? Spit it out woman." Obviously, Daryl is having another one of his foul moods again.

"Do you know- think about having kids together??" She blurted out, fidgeting her fingers against the helm of her jeans.

"Hell no, we can't raise a kid in this damn world. Don't think stupid shit like that (Y/N)!" Once those venomously words left his lips, his eyes widen as tears swelled up in her (E/C) orbs.

"I'm sorry..." She meekly replied, shakily gripping the pregnancy test behind her back. "I'll just go, I need to speak with Carol." Rushing out of the room as she latched onto Carol, weeping into her shoulder.

The older woman rubbed soothing circles as she frowned. 'Poor girl..' She thought sadly.

Glenn Rhee: Silent tears streamed down her (S/C) cheeks, trying to deny what the test in front of her said. She couldn't be pregnant, not now. Oh God.. What was she going to tell Glenn when he got back?

Taking comfort in Carol's advice and surpringly Daryl never once left her side, muttering something about. 'Harming herself and the baby' She never understand Daryl but he was always like a big brother to her.

It was late when her lover returned, the stress finally got to her, her heart rate increased, her blood pressure skyrocketing. She couldn't breathe properly as she weakly gasped, grasping weakly at the wall. Before her eyes suddenly rolled back and the last thing she felt was strong arms holding her up.

When she woke, she wrapped her arms around her abdomen. Blinking away her tears as she buried her face into the sheets. Quickly shooting up as her head spun, groaning softly.

"You need to tell him." Came the gruff voice of Daryl. Who was leaning against the doorway. "You're lucky, the old man didn't rat you out for not taking care of yourself." He growled softly.

The Walking Dead x (Pregnant Reader) preferences (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now