Rough night

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Elanas pov:
"Elana! I'm sorry!" Luke called after me. I ran as fast as I could out of that janky apartment.

Okay let's back it up a bit to earlier tonight.

Luke came home drunk, more than usual though. I was sat on the couch watching tv. "Honeyyyyy I'm h-hommee" Luke slurred his words as he walked through the door way. "Hey babe" I said because I knew that's what he would want me to say. He fell purposefully on the couch. "I'm gonna go to bed" i announced standing up. He didn't respond like usual. I went to our bedroom, changed, then laid down. I was just about to fall into a peaceful slumber till Luke decided to barge in and straddle me. "Luke what are you doing?" I asked trying to push him off me. But he was much stronger than me. He started to take his pants off then pull down my pants/ underwear. "LUKE PLEASE STOP!" I yelled. I fought and fought to get from underneath him. "LUKE PLEASE!" "But we are together! We are supposed to do this" he said kissing my neck. "NOT LIKE THIS" I yelled finally pushing him off. I pulled up my pants and grabbed my phone as I ran out of the apartment. "Elana! I'm sorry!" Luke called after me. I ran faster than ever before. I ran into the woods, once I was far enough I reached in my pocket for my phone I called Tyler. He answered almost immediately
Me: "Tyler?!"
Ty: "Elana? Are you okay?
I started crying. "No I'm not"
Ty: "okay just breathe tell me what happened"
Me: "I-I-i...uhh... L-l-Luke raped me"
Ty: "what?! Are you okay?!!"
Me: "yea I'll be fine I just needed to call someone and your the first person I thought of"
Ty: "where are you? Do you have a place to stay?"
Me: "currently I'm in the middle of the woods and I could probably stay at my friends house"
Ty: "okay we'll get out of the woods and text me when you get to your friends house. Okay?"
Me: "okay I will. I love you, eyebrows"
Ty: "I love you, beautiful"

I hung up and smiled to myself as I texted issac my only friend besides Tyler.
Issac💦: what happened??
Me: I'll tell u when I get there

Thankfully it wasn't a long walk from the woods. But since I was scared Luke might be looking for me, I sprinted there.


Once I arrived there I was out of breath and sweaty. Very very sweaty. I don't work out much anywho that's besides the point. I told issac everything that happened and I even told him about Tyler. He warned me that Tyler could be a old one direction lover. I guess I'll have to find out tomorrow.

Heyo I'll post this today too to make up for me not posting for a while. Well have a nice day/night!


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