Miss Higgins

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It was not a long walk to where Sam was taking us, well it didn't feel long. Perhaps that's because we were walking at a fast pace. We entered a vibrant looking street, full of small stores and huge houses. Sam leads us to one which has the number 121 imprinted on its door. Sam reaches into his pocket for something as it begins to rain, nothing major, just a few drops. He inserts a key into the thick white door and twists it, making an oddly satisfying clicking sound. The door proceeds to creak open, and Sam ushers Louis in first and then me. He smiles in response to me thanking him. He is the only person I know other than Louis who has shown kindness to me since my village was burnt down.

Sam closes the door behind me and just as he is about to say something to me a flustered looking woman comes marching down the stairs. "I've had enough of those bloody redcoats!" She shouts infuriated. As soon as she sees Louis and myself standing in the corridor her face goes from bright red to pale very quickly. She lets out a small laugh that dies as soon as it's born. "What on earth is the matter Miss Higgins?" Louis asks with a sound of concern in his voice. " Oh nothing sir" she replies in an embarrassed tone of voice," it's just the taxes are becoming to high, that's all". She continues down the stairs without the look of pure anger on her face now. "Miss Higgins" Sam says attempting to get her attention as she stares at a wall," could you take master Logan here and see to his wounds?". Miss Higgins gives brief nod and gestures for me to follow her. I do.

She leads me up the stairs, which are noticeably creaky, and then into a small room directly next to the staircase. She opens the door and ushers me into the room. "Feel free to take a seat" she says pointing a chubby finger at a relatively large rocking chair. She's quite fat, to be brutally honest. And she wears what looks like a white maids dress. She reaches into a small cupboard in the left corner of the room, grabbing some towels of sorts. She proceeds to dunk them in a tub of water, which I must admit looks rather murky. "Right then" she sighs pulling a chair up to face mine. She dabs the spot where my bruise is located with a wet towel, I myself see little reason for this but she does so nonetheless.  She also wipes wear the blood has stained, above my mouth and just around my nose in general. "Well I'll be damned"she says with a mild look of concern on her face" what happened to you?". I am still adapting to the way people talk in cities so I try and respond as well as I can. "I was attacked" I explain, perhaps not well enough. "Well I know that" she laughs dabbing another bruise.  It's taking quite a large effort not to wince as she does this, it's surprisingly painful. "I was punched a few times, I don't really know how else to put it" I say in the politest way I can muster. The dabbing goes on for a few minutes which feel like a few hours until she finally decides I'm fine to go. "Your good to go" she says smiling," Just make sure not to touch the bruises or any place it hurts.". I thank her and we exchange smiles as I open the door. I leave the room and make my way down the staircase. I knock on the door which leads into the room where Louis and Sam are talking. I hear a faint French accent saying come in, and I do. "Ah Logan, we've just been talking about you. Please, take a seat." Sam says. The room is huge, there's a large fireplace with huge logs burning in it at the front of room which has a striking resemblance to the one at Louis house.

I take a seat in the large red velvet chair, identical to the ones that Sam and Louis are sitting on. "So" he starts" Louis been telling me that he has to go to Prussia for a month, but he can't take you with him. However, he doesn't want that to disrupt your training so we've agreed that I'll temporarily be taking over your training and that you'll be staying with me for now. I'm going to show you the ropes and then Louis will take over when he returns in a months time. Is that okay?" He finishes. Prussia? Whys he going to Prussia? I nod enthusiastically despite my concerns and question. "Fantastic", he says getting to his feet and clapping his hands together. "I'll get to work organising your room." He helps Louis get to his feet before shaking his hand and going upstairs. Louis grabs his brown leather hat of the chair and makes his way to the front door. "You don't have any possessions at my house so there's really no need to go back" he tells me clapping a hand onto my shoulder. "Don't worry, your in good hands." As I'm about to ask why he's going to Prussia and why I'm being left with these people the door closes behind him. Talk about short notice.

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