Natsu Dragneel : The Salamander

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Natsu Dragneel has been a regular member of the Fairytail Guild ever since he was a child. His father had mysteriously disappeared one day, leaving the boy alone to fend for himself. He joined the Guild Fairytail, believing it may help him find his missing parent.


Natsu is a lean, muscular young man of average height with a slightly tan skin tone, black eyes, spiky pink-colored hair, and has abnormal sharp canines; Natsu has a scar on the right side of his neck, hidden by his scarf. Following his intense battle with the Rogue Cheney of the future, Natsu gains a cross-shaped scar on the left side of his abdomen, a result of the two fatal wounds the man dealt to him during their altercations. He later attains a new scar, this one being a jagged blemish on his right cheek, which he gained following his battle with Zeref. Natsu's guild mark is red and is located just below his right shoulder.


Bold: Sorcerer's Weekly

Italics: Natsu Dragneels responses

What made you want to join Fairytail specifically, out of all the other possible guilds, what made you choose that one?

Well a big reason as to why I joined Fairytail was Gramps. Or better known as Makarov. I was a little kid, wandering alone after my father had left. He found me and brought me to the guild.

I never had a specific guild in mind back then, it just end up being Fairytail.


You and a fellow Fairytail Mage, Gray Fullbuster, have been rivals since you were children, but maintained a semi-healthy relationship. Was there any reason for your rivalry other than the fact that your magics are polar opposites?

Now that I think about it, probably not. I think the second we met, there was a negative spark between us. Our magics clash as much as our personalities do, in a sense. We've always had a distaste for each other.


What are your thoughts on the Celestial Mage, Lucy Heartfilia? You two have always seemed quite close in a multitude of ways.

I think Lucy is awesome! She's my best friend, and she's caring, kind, and generally just a great person. She may get angry at me from time to time, but she's as passionate as anyone in the guild.


Are you currently seeing anyone?

Yes I am.


Care to share any details?

Well, it's with Wendy Marvell. We've been dating for a few weeks now. Other than that, I don't have much to say on the matter.


Other than Happy, who would you say is your closest friend at the guild?

Hm, I'd say Lucy.


If Fairytail suddenly disbanded again, then what guild would you consider joining?

I wouldn't consider joining another. Fairytail is the only guild I'll ever be in, even if it disbands again.


Interview conducted by: @Sorcerers_Weekly

Interviewee: _Natsu

I hope I did a decent job, I feel like I could have asked a few more questions, especially where his magic is concerned, but I'll get the hang of this eventually.

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