Chapter 2

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A few days later Shawn finally texted me.

Shawn: Hey Lucy, I have exciting news!!

Lucy: Tell me!!

Shawn: Can we call?

Lucy: Sure

Seconds later he called me. I answered the call and immediately said: "You said you have exciting news. So tell me all about it now. Please. I'm curious!"
He sounded really happy and excited when he replied: "What do you think of joining me on tour?"
To be honest I was speechless. It didn't expect something like this. The words resounded in my head while I tried to realize what he just told me. A big smile covered my face now.

"Is that even a question?"
I laughed. I had this feeling in my stomach I just couldn't describe. It was pure happiness. Every inch of my body looked forward to see him. I hadn't even realized how much I had actually missed him.
I could hear him laughing at the other end of the wire about my enthusiasm.
"So this counts as a yes?"
"Of course!"
And so we planed my flight and everything.

Now I was packing my stuff - almost ready to leave and to go to the airport. I couldn't wait for this day to come. Today I could hug Shawn - the best friend in this entire world- again.

I left my apartment and took a taxi to the airport. This was the second flight I ever attended. So I was a little nervous. But the happiness predominated.

I walked in the airport. The Gadwick airport. But I wasn't used to walk through airports so it took me some time to find the right way to my gate. When I finally I arrived the passengers were already boarding so I run over to them and joined in.

I found my place in the the middle of the plane. I was happy cause it was right next to a window, so I could enjoy the hopefully pretty view on my long ride. It'd take about 10 hours. I quietly moaned. But plugged my earphones in and closed my eyes. I didn't expect I'd fall asleep this quick but I did.

When I woke up I checked the clock and noticed that there wasn't more than half an hour left. I felt the happiness flowing through my body again. Less than half an hour till Shawn.

Then we arrived in Portland. Shawn and I had planned that he would wait for me there. I took my baggage and left the plane. Suddenly I saw Shawn waiting at the airport doors. I saw him facing me so I started smiling and he walked towards me.

I walked faster till I finally reached him and took him in my arms.
"Hey Shawn, how are ya? I'm so happy to see you again."
I gave him a huge smile.
"Lucy! I really missed you. I'm more than happy to have you here!"
Then I stepped back to face him. His lips were formed to a wonderful smile.
I asked: "So were are we going now?"
"Well at first in the hotel and If you want we can walk a bit through Portland but We'll probably meet fans, so yeah if that isn't a problem for you."
"No I have no problem with it ehm and in which hotel are we staying?"
"It's a really good hotel. I hope you'll like it."

He smirked. I told him that he shouldn't book such a good room for me. I didn't want it. I kinda felt uncomfortable. What if there were just such super rich people and I will totally not fit in.
I looked a him. A bit insecure.
"But I don't fit in such hotels."
"Who says that you have to fit in?"
"Come on it's just for one day."
"Yeah I know."

I hadn't noticed his bodyguard yet. Just when he opened the car door for me, so I could jump in. And so we drove to the hotel. I was shook. I looked more like a palace than like hotel. It was impressive. This was one of the prettiest hotels I ever stayed in.
I turned around to Shawn: "Isn't it hella expensive to stay here?"
He didn't answer and just walked inside. The Inside of the hotel was as pretty as the outside. Now I was really excited for my room.

After we had checked in Shawn and I ran upstairs to our rooms. Mine was next to Shawn's. I tensely put the hotel key in the lock.
A little 'click' announced that the door was now open. I slowly opened the door. I shiny white welcomed me. But not as white that it hurts in the eyes. It was perfect. I made a turn to get to see the whole room. It was like a room for a princess with king size bed. Tonight I'd feel like a princess.
Suddenly someone knocked at the door. I turned around. Shawn stood smiling in the door: "And do you like it?"
"I feel like a princess", I enthused.
He laughed: " I'm glad you like it."
"how's your room?" i asked.
"As pretty as yours"
He shrugged.

After that we spent a bit time in our rooms till it knocked again at my door.
"Shawn?", I yelled.
No answer.
" Shawn?", I asked again while I stood up to open the door but I stopped when again nobody answered.
I frowned my forehead but opened the door. Nobody was there.
I was confused and about to close the door again when someone yelled: "BOO!!"
I flinched and I scream escaped my mouth.

Shawn stood right in front of me. He was laughing and seemed to make fun of me.
"Ey! Not nice, you scared me!"
I tried to look serious.
"Oh I'm so sorry. Won't ever happen again Ma'am", he joked.
"Good", I nodded- trying to act like a conceited princess.
"So Mr Mendes are we going to do a bit sightseeing now?", I asked still acting like a princess.
I handed him my hand.
And he joined, playing the prince and kissed my hand. A shiver went down my back.
"Would you bestow me the pleasure to follow me?"

It was hilarious what we were doing.
But still I kept playing the princess.
I took step by step, trying to look elegant.
Shawn had hooked in his arm in mine. We must've looked like a weird couple. I giggled while I imagined what other people would think if they saw us.

Shawn suddenly stopped walking: "Why are you laughing?", he asked.
" I just imagined what people would think about us if they saw us being so weird."
I laughed and he joined in.
But the his face expressive went to serious.
"Well before we enter the lobby we should stop acting so strange. Not that anybody could think yeah that that we're a couple or something. "
I took my arm out of his' and we entered the lobby.

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