~1~ fallen

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"Be back before sunset, darling!" My mother's urgent voice shouts from the back porch of the small one-story house I call my home.

My mother's blonde hair, a bit shorter than mine, whirls to and fro as the steady evening breeze passes through. Though I'm yards away, I can see concern glow in her eyes for me.

"I promise I'll be back before then!" I answer, turning my back to her and setting my eyes on the forest path before me.  My dog, Oliver, a black and white spotted Dalmatian, runs alongside of me.

This is our favorite activity. After I get back from school, I go on adventures with Oliver in the forest behind my house. My mother has warned me of the dangers and strange things that have happened in the forest, but I carry my wits about me, unafraid of the legends. But since I have ventured here many times and have somewhat proven that the forest is safe, she doesn't worry about me as much as before, as long as I get home before dark.

I find a good sturdy stick and use it as a hiking stick to aid in climbing over rocks and tree roots.

The late September air is heavy and cool against my bare face, being the only thing exposed besides my hands.

Suddenly, the sound of branches crashing and a loud thud echoes throughout the silent woods. Oliver lets out a fit of barks, running off the path and towards the direction of the sound.

"Oliver, come back!" I shout, running after him, being careful not to trip.

I search every area for Oliver, but I can't find his spotted pelt. I call his name over and over, only to no response.

I continue to run, frantically searching for my best friend.  Tears start to well in my eyes, but I quickly wipe them with my hoodie sleeve.

The sound of Oliver whimpering catches my attention. My heart sinks and I immediately run in the direction of the cry.

The sight before me causes me to fall on my knees.  Standing above the unmoving body of Oliver is a tall man with hair the color of the night sky, wings like a raven's, and an icy stare.

My gaze flicks to my dog's body and the strange man repeatedly, both of us remaining silent and still. I begin to stand up to walk towards Oliver, but the man spreads his wings and soars.

He lands right in front of me, towering over me with the same cold glare. "He is dead." The creature's voice was deep and menacing.

My body trembles, both out of grief and fear. I run past the creature and kneel beside Oliver, crying into his cold fur.

The man with wings stands and watches the scene before him. I look up from my dog's body and into his eyes. "Who are you?"

Evil Angel ~ Benjamin BurnleyWhere stories live. Discover now