Part 2

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(There might be grammar mistake in here so heads up if you are going to read this part)


And till this day I have been getting nightmares ever since the day my mom died and I was taken in by her best friend. I have stop smiling and hidden who I am but the only people I care and trust mostly is the Yamamoto family. (note: its the memory Tsuna cant stop thinking about the gun shot she heard and she as not seen blood at all, okay)

As days, months, or years has passed by that time I have started to get myself stronger all because I never know where my own father is at or he was never there when we needed him the most..

Why, why did this happened. WHY! My own mother is gone and no one has came to said anything. The only people who were the Yamamoto family they were the only ones who cared. And my own father never came to get me nor even care to come and see my mom! This is a reason why I must get stronger and protect others who are important to me, and to find a place that I feel like I belong to.

So as of right now I am going to be train by a person (or a baby?) to trained me who goes by the name Fon. But one day before I go and see this Fon in person at that time someone by the name Hibari Kyoya. He comes up to me and gave me a file and told me to read it all at once, but only at home, after a few days has passed everything as of now and why my mother was killed was found out just after those few days I felt like dying during those days.

He also said that once I am done reading and putting it all in my mind, he will also helped me trained but I only agreed if it was in secret and that he will helped me get info, just like I will helped him getting some info as well. For I have been teaching myself how to hacked but that was if something happened or need to know, till now.


Tsunayoshi Sawada

Age: 13

Family: Nana Sawada (dead); Iemitsu Sawada (alive?)

Birthday: October 14

Tsuna has changed ever since her mother died and now is being taken care in the Yamamoto family. She has been called dame-tsuna in school, and has been trained but hid it from everyone, but will fight others to protect those she love as she hates hurting others even if its mean she is the one hurting. (DarkuHikari: I am trying my best *crys*)


I made a choice that I will hid my powers and become the sky that I needed to be I will be cold to those who hurts my family and be kind to those who has been needing that feeling of love as if they are needed. But what I did not know is that my future will become more than what I thought would turn out to be as. The file I never know my own mom was or should I know as to now is who she was in mafia as well an famous hitwoman and added to that she is related to the number 1 hitman in the world know as Reborn. For some reason he is going to take care of me but my mom knew she is going to get killed and told him to wait but why?

Until I read the message she sent him (a second copy just for Tsuna) saying to wait that I am okay with her dead and that she knew I will find this letter and to call him. For some reason I feel like my own mom knows the future which scares me. As she knows and cried because the tear marks are still on the paper years ago, as to letting me know deep down that she did not want to leave me alone, but needed to happen as if its her destiny to do so.

Looking back I knew something is coming and now remembering that there was also a date saying when I will have to call him and the day will be coming to my hometown, but its getting closer to that very day at the same time. But this has been stuck on my mind is just Who is this Reborn person? I know hes my uncle and all only because he is my moms younger brother. But at the same time have I met him before when I was younger.

As of now I know he will be coming before my first high school year starts, so I guess I have to call him now huh. (Note: Tsunas mood will changed from time to time because she has not been her true self and yes Tsuna is still pure and innocent, but mostly hides it.) Though I wonder if he can help me with my homework and maybe teach me how to control my other flames?

(DarkuHikari:LoL still dont have good grades huh Tsuna. Tsuna:Oh shut up you know I am still trying, and lucky that I passed middle school tho. DarkuHikari:True)


DarkuHikari: Oh? what other flames is Tsuna talking about and when do we meet this Reborn person soon, later, or maybe in the next chapter. Comment down below what you think would happen in the next chapter and guessed what flames or how many flames Tsuna has. As well should I do a crossover chapter somewhere during the story in order to help Tsuna out with as an Allie or enemies. Please comment and vote as I loved the support I get and why I have not update is because of a writers block as well school is getting to me as I have to say I'm sorry to all and I am making plans on how I will continue both stories so don't worry too much, okay.

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