22. Why?

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Catalina's POV 🌴:

I woke up next to Troy's sleeping figure.

His brown hair was covering his face and was tousled in many directions.

I swept it away from his forehead, and he smiled opening his eyes. I smiled back at him as he leaned in to kiss me.

He kissed me lightly then pulled away and said in a sleepy voice "You're an amazing view to wake up to in the morning."

I looked down and saw that I was naked the memories of last night came rushing into my brain.

I looked away and got up from the bed.

I threw on his shirt that was on the ground, and soon I felt his body pressed up against mine. I gasped at the contact from his naked figure. "Did you regret last night?" He asked in a shaky tone. I stammered out "No" my hands shaking as I felt a little nervous. "Why are you running away then?" He asked a bit of anger resonating from his deep husky voice.

Troy turned me around making me face him as I answered in a soft tone "I'm not good enough. You've probably had better, and I want to save myself from the embarrassment."

I lowered my head at the last statement, but he quickly rest a finger on my chin making me look at him.

I tried to pull away, but he kept a death grip on me.

"You're perfect in every single way. Last night was the best night of my life. I want you more than anything" he said softly his eyes piercing into mine.

I quickly jumped on him kissing him.

He easily welcomed me into his arms and continued to kiss me ravishingly.

He threw me on the bed and climbed on top of me. I held him close and felt his lips upon my neck. I moaned at the contact and gave myself to him.

He took off the shirt hastily and went down my body slowly placing kisses upon my skin.

He went down to my entrance,and his felt his tongue entered me.


2 hours later...

I was laying in bed breathing heavy after our second round.

Troy was doing the same.

It was honestly one of the best times I've ever had. I would never get tired of having sex with him.

I turned over to face him, and he immediately darted his eyes over to me. A smile edged it's way onto his face, and I willingly smiled back.

Troy got up from bed throwing on his boxers. I put his shirt back on as he came over to my side of the bed.

He extended his hand toward me, and I placed my hand his large warm one.

He dragged me out of the room going downstairs. I followed after him without complaint as we made our way into the kitchen. Troy sat me down on top of the counter, and I obliged. He got out a mixture of contents and started to make pancakes. "My chef" I said in a teasing tone. "You know I never pegged you as a guy who could cook, but you proved me wrong" I continued to say.

A smirk made his way onto his face as he said "I can cook variety of things. When I was younger my mom taught me everything up until now."

"My dad taught me how to cook. My mom couldn't make a dish to save her life. I know a lot of things I'll cook for you one of these days" I said enthusiastically.

He laughed a bit in my remark, and it made me happy to see his laugh.

He rarely shows it.

"I love your laugh" I blurted out.

I mentally scolded myself for saying that.

He smiled at my words and continued to mix the batter. "My grandma doesn't have chocolate, so can you settle for syrup only?" He asked keeping his eyes on the pan.

I nodded my head as he looked up at me with an apologetic look on his face.

I got off the counter and tried running up the stairs, but Troy held a firm grip onto my waist. "Where are you going?" He asked in an amused tone.

"I was gonna take a shower" I replied in a soft tone.

"OK" he said turning back to the batter.

I ran up the stairs to the room and quickly went into the connected bathroom. I took off his shirt and went into the shower. My mind spun around with different questions that made my heart ache.

I don't want to think that Troy is using me, but some part of my mind is saying he's not interested in me at all.

He got what he wanted then he'll leave.

I want him to tell me that he wants me. To reassure me that I meant something to him.

I have to mean something to him.


I blocked my thoughts and finished showering.

As soon as I got out of the shower I realized that I had no change of clothes. I wrapped one of the towels around me and made my way into the bedroom. I looked up finding my eyes meeting Troy's blue ones.

I quickly averted my eyes from him and looked for my clothes.

I found it in one corner of the room and I picked up the articles of clothing.

I felt his presence behind me, and I turned around.

"I wanna take you out" he said in a whisper.

I was shocked at his words that my mouth opened up to release a gasp.

"Why?" I asked.

"You're the only girl I've ever felt this way about, and it's more than just a sex connection. I can't fight the feelings I have for you anymore. I have liked you for so long. I feel more than that with you, and I told you that I wanted more. This is my way of proving it" he said keeping his eyes fixated on me.

"Are you sure?" I asked in an unknown tone. He stepped closer towards me and planted his lips on mine.

I went on my tippy toes to get a better angle.

His lips molded against mine perfectly making me breathless. When he pulled away we were both breathing heavy. "I'm not gonna have sex with you again until I prove myself, so we just have to keep that to a minimum, and you have to put some clothes on.

I looked at my now bare body. The towel on the floor in front of me.

Troy eyed my body up and down before he went into the bathroom a few grunts escaping his lips.

I laughed and he yelled back "It's not funny."

I smiled at his actions and it felt like my face was gonna fall off.

He makes me so happy, and he's changing already.

Do you think he's changing?

Maybe he is a good guy after all, and I wonder why he was like this.

You think a girl made him this way?


I promise you this is going to be an eventful book.


Well until next time.

Kaylia 💋

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