Im in charge

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Sorry for not writing in a while...

Do you hate it when your in a group people argue over being better or more?
I don't know about you but in my guy group we made a group name and everything... we are like a country... well we are a country in our worlds. Now my two friends were fighting who was leader.... now this is a fictional thing ok and there fighting over being the leader. I thing that's a bit weird but I would of argue too if I wasn't a general or something cool like that. But this argument on being leader last a long time and they brought me along with voting on who should be leader...

After the fight on who was leader we had an argument about being a ghost in our FICTIONAL country.... that argument went on for months and is still happening. The reason we didn't want the guy to be a ghost was because we were trying to make it as close to the "real world" that we could. But there's no need for arguing for a long time.

Am I the only one who went through that?

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