Chapter 4

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Aiden ate his supper in silence, as did the rest of the family. Earlier that week, Ash had announced that as part of her training she would be spending the next two weeks away from home. She said that she would be doing some extensive studying at the House of Revelations from time to time. Though he still wasn’t sure why she couldn’t continue as she had before.

    Something in Ash had changed after her revealing, but he had expected that. No one stayed the same. When Aiden had undergone his ceremony, he’d changed a great deal. Yet something seemed wrong about Ash lately. He had felt that at her party last month. She seemed colder, somehow, more distant. Ash no longer shared things with him as she once had. The two had grown apart, and Aiden didn’t know why.

    Things didn’t feel the same with Ashley gone. Normally when they ate, there were conversations to be had. However, in her absence, the family kept the speaking to a minimum. Food crunched in his mouth, and Aiden became almost self-conscious. He quickly finished his meal and put his dishes in the automatic, then sat quietly at the table waiting for his father to excuse him. His dadnodded, and Aiden went up to his room.

    Sliding into his desk, Aiden did something that he’d done numerous times this week to no avail. Opened up Cyberspace and maneuvered his way to his email. He was brought to the page where he could begin composing a letter to Ash. The way it worked was he thought of the words he wanted to say, and they imprinted on the page.

    ‘Dear Ash, I don’t know if you’re even getting these, but I had to try. But if you are getting my letters, then please reply. Our house is so boring without you. You may find it hard to believe, but nobody really talks unless you’re there. I don’t know what I did to make you upset, so please tell me. I feel like you’re trying to avoid me. We used to be so close, and now you won’t talk to me. Just know that whatever’s bothering you, you can talk to me about it.

Your brother, Aiden.’

    Aiden finished the letter then sent it and exited Cyberspace. He knew that Ash wouldn’t reply, but for whatever reason, he held on to the slim hope that she would. Why was she distancing herself from everyone, especially him? He remembered so clearly the tight bond they once shared, but now it had all but vanished.

    He was determined to discover whatever it was that was holding his sister back. He had seen the sadness in her eyes from time to time, even if she herself couldn’t. Something was wrong, Aiden just didn’t know what.

    With a sigh, Aiden sat down on his bed. They had had dinner early that night, so it was still light out. Suddenly, a cheesy tune broke through the silence. It was his phone. He jerkily stood up, nearly falling over in the process. Maybe it was Ash!

    No such luck. When he answered the phone, it was not Ash’s voice he heard, but Jack’s. With a heavy heart, Aiden started a conversation with his friend. He could have laughed at himself for his silly behavior. Ash hadn’t contacted him all week, why would she call him now? Besides, his friends called him on his phone more often anyway.

    “Hello?” Aiden asked.

    “Hey! What’s happening? I haven’t seen you in forever!” Jack said enthusiastically.

    “Oh, not much. It’s been pretty boring with my sister gone. She kind of made the rest of us talk, and without her…” Aiden trailed off. He could tell that Jack wasn’t really that interested.

    “Oh, well if life’s boring at your place, you wanna come chill here?” Jack asked.

    Aiden didn’t particularly feel like hanging out with anyone at the moment, but he’d been feeling like that all week. People were going to start talking if he cut himself off from the outside world. He was supposed to be Aiden, the popular, social, cheerful kid. Yet he’d just been feeling really down lately.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 29, 2014 ⏰

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