Sukor - Heart Connection

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Hi everyone sorry for the late update.

Recap: Suraj punished Tina infront of the students in the canteen.

Chakor left the canteen without any comment n the rest of the students were laughing abt Tina. No1 saw it but Suraj tricked the fall it looks like she stumbled. Vimli were shocked n run to her for help n Suraj was looking for Chakor but she wasn't there he looked to Payal n Adi both shakes their heads.

Chakor - What is wrong with this guy, y is he doing this? - -poor Tina I never want some1 to suffer like me -
From the back some1 shout !Chakor! n Chakor who was in the hallway turned to see Suraj running toward her. He reached her out of breath he said: Kahan chali gayi thi (where were u gone) Didn't u see Tina?
Chakor got angry n put a tight slap on Suraj face. Do u think I liked what u did I would be happy that u insulted her like she did to me?? No, I'm not like her. How can u even think abt this. Suraj hold the cheek which was hurting bcz of the slap he looked at her with a sorry n sad face: Sorry I thought to help but I was wrong... u don't need friends u have enough. Saying this he left.

The next class started economics n I mentioned Suraj n Chakor have the same schedule n they were again seat mates. This class feels too long for both they were feeling very uncomfortable Chakor was thinking abt her reaction she was regreting it but still he was wrong n Suraj too was thinking abt the slap n his words whatever he does she misunderstands it...

The class was over so was the college day Suraj wanted to go home but Adi stopped him (no1 knew abt the slap incident). Suraj please stay n play I told u if u r interested u can join the football team😊?. Suraj wanted to change his mood n forget the incident: Sorry yaar but I have to leave my s... mom is waiting for me. Adi looked at him n was sure he is hiding something n said: com'on tell me what happen u can call ur mom.n tell her u r coming late I'm sure she will understand n besides I thought we r friends n friends don't lie or hide. Suraj smiled: wah dost mila to aisa jo mera jhoot bhi pakar ley woh bhi kuchchi dino ke dharmiyan (wow I found a friend who knows my lie n that too in such short time/less days) he told Adi what Chakor did n felt gud to share his feeling with some1.

A few other students come n asked for play n this time Suraj agrees to play: Agar tumne saahi se khela (if u play well) then ur entry in the team is done/fixed. Suraj had bright smile but he remembered he doesn't have clothes to change but Adi have him a sport pants n he wore it n he was topless 😁 like the rest of the players.
They arranged two teams mixed with gud n not so gud players coincidently Suraj n Adi were in the same team they stared with a warm up.

Chakor was looking for Payal she knows she would be on the football field coz it's Adi’s training time. As expected Payal was sitting on the ground with her notes n learning while Adi was having his training but this time on Chakors surprise there were many more girls standing n watching the game than before. Chakor went directly to Payal: Oh ma'am my dear nerd what this??? She pointed to the girl crowd. Payal was shocked too she didn't noticed it n just shrug her shoulders.

!woooow! gooooal!!!!! nice shoot!!!! woooohooo!!! so many voices at the same time Chakor n Payal both looked to the field to see Suraj who just made/shot a perfect goal. Adi pat Suraj on the back n said: u r in man they shake hands 🤝. Payal was just like 😍😍😍 I know y there r so many girls look at Suraj wow 😍😍😍 Chakor irritated looked to Suraj n yaaa 😮😍 - Oh wow he has a great body (absolutely not sexsistic😉)- coming back to sense: Payal just looking gud it's not all, u have to need a heart n brain too. Payal turned to her with a face saying have u gone mad: Chakor he has a heart agar dil nahi hota to woh tumhare liye Tina se badla nahi leta (if he hadn't a heart he would never take revenge on Tina for u). Chakor bite on her lips in anger n said clearly: I never asked him to. it just showed he doesn't have a heart. Payal was defending for Suraj: ok but he has a brain otherwise he wouldn't have the same courses like u have u genius. Chakor put her arms across her body n said: That doesn't mean anything n btw I lost a lot of point so I'm not a genius. Payal very easy: So u both have no brain nice n no heart very nice what else oh ya attraction. Chakor had big eyes 😲 yeh kiya kehrahi ho? (What do u want to say) easy Chakor in just saying since he came ur dreams become more intense n it already changed from running to him u r now I  his arms like u was when he stopped u to fall just think abt this.

After saying this Payal sorted back on the ground n was again looking at her notes n Chakor was thinking abt Payals words...

Tina was furious 😡 I didn't trip I'm sure this was some1. But Sis who would do this to u? Tina was thinking ya who??? Vivaan: r u both dumb just think who was near u he pointed to Tina she was thinking n imli said Suraj he was next to u n u was holding his tray which was loaded with pasta n sauce. Vivaan: that's my babe. Tina throw her bag: I won't let him go with this. But what will u do to him? imli asked. Tina smirked just watch n see.

The game was over n they all went to the changing room Payal was waiting with Chakor for Adi. Suraj n Adi come together n Adi asked them all to have a coffee? Suraj looked at Chakor - She hates me I think I should reject politely - before Suraj could say no his mobile ring it's was Bhagya.

Phone Convo:
B: Suraj where r u?
S: at college I was playing football
B: Really n ?
S: Shot a few goals n I'm in the team
B: That's great. Suraj I want to meet ur friends.
S: what no.
B: What No! I'm ur sis no I'm ur mom I need to know with whom u spend it time.
S: but...
B: No but!I'm pregnant keep me happy.
S: 😨 really u r playing this card
B: Yes
S: uff ok. 😕

They hung up n Suraj asked them embarrassed if they would like to meet his mom? He looked at Chakor n said u don't need to come if u don't want. Payal took the word n said: no yaar we all would love to meet her right? They all agreed n nodded.
Suraj was relieved: great they took Adi's car n drive to Suraj place.

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