Losing a tooth

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-Slender man-

Your dad was doing work as you were riding on his shoulders, As you guys walked through the woods a tree branched bitch slapped you as if you owed it money. Slender man was so invested in work he didn't notice. Lets just say your dad didn't notice until he got to the Mansion. He then had to send his proxies to find you. When Toby found to you were unconscious and your two front teeth were gone!


You woke up one day and when you looked in the bathroom mirror you saw that your tooth was gone, you started to freak out!

"Oh no, I broke my tooth!"

You turned looked all over your room still freaking out, eventually you turned your room upside down. But still, you found nothing. You went to your dad in tears.

"Daddy, I broke something" you said with a croaky voice

"What did you break?" Asked Masky

You opened your mouth to show him the missing tooth, He wiped away your tears and explained how it was natural for people to lose their teeth, once you stopped crying he gave you a cookie.


"Y/N come here! " Hoodie Said as he tried to get you

"No! Make me!" Y/N yelled trying to get away

You had a loose tooth and your dad didn't want you to sollow it. He continued to chase you until Masky cought you, while Masky Held you down your dad Tied the string around your tooth. He then tied it to the door and before you knew it your tooth was gone.

"Now was that so bad Y/N?" Hoodie Said giving you a cookie

"I want another cookie, that experience was traumatic" Y/N said

-Ticci Toby-

Y/N walked down the stairs to see her dad sharpening his hatchet

"Daddy I lost a tooth" Y/N said holding out the tooth on her palm

"Oh Y/N that's good news!" Toby said putting down his hatchet

"Why?" Y/N sitting on the couch next to her dad

Your dad explained the tooth fairy for you, How she'll come into your room and take your tooth and leave you a quarter. You did note take it so well

"Your telling me some random fairy is going to break into my room and leaving a quarter?"


"What! I'm not letting some random creature go into my room and if she thinks she's only leaving me a quarter then she must be must up in the head, its twenty or nothing" Y/N said walking to her room

"Honey were are you going?" You dad asked

"I'm not getting robbed tonight!" You exclaimed

-Jeff The Killer-

Jeff was twirling a knife in the air, each time he got it, you were in asleep so he was free to do what he wanted. He put a target on his door and as he threw the knife you walked into the room

"Daddy I had a night-" Y/N was interrupted by the knife hitting her

Jeff noticed what he did and started doing filps, Luckily only the handle hit your mouth, on the bad side you only have 6 teeth now.

-Laughing Jack-

You wanted chocolate, and you had just saw your dad put something in the freezer, you grabbed a stool and opened the freezer, eventually you found the chocolate, but it was in a weird shape, It had Mickey mouse ears but the face was to long, you shrugged it off and took the chocolate to your room. You bit down on the weird shaped chocolate bar, but little did you know the chocolate was hard, so when you bit down, you lost your tooth, you started to cry, when your dad went to check on you, You swear you saw him do a flip when he saw the chocolate dildo in your hand.

-Eyeless Jack-
Eyeless Jack P.O.V

I was watching T.V, before I heard the door open. I looked at the door and saw Y/N all bruised and covered in blood

"Y/N what happened?!?" I said running towards her

"Some kid picked a fight he couldn't win" she said looking through her backpack

"Are you hurt?! Are you in pain?!?"

"No but I told you what I am, I'm hungry and I got us some kidneys!" She Said pulling out two kidneys

- homicidal Liu-

Jeff and Liu were arguing about who was stronger, soon they started fighting. Jeff then grabbed a vase and as he was about to hit Liu, You walked in

"What's all this noise abou-" Y/N said being cut off by the vase hitting her

"Oh my god, Y/N are you okay?!" Both Liu and Sully said

"I want child services" you said spitting out two teeth before passing out.

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