New Characters!

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Yay new characters!

G/yh = The name of a girl you hate

Gu/yh = The name of a guy you hate

When he finds you

-Laughing Jack-
Laughing Jack P.O.V

Laughing jack was walking around in his carnival. He than heard a baby crying. He walked to the direction the crying was coming from. He than heard two teenagers fighting.

G/yh: "Stop yelling at me it's not my fault"

Gu/yh: "Oh well then it's my fault!"

G/yh: "You were the one who didn't wear a condom. I never wanted this baby!"

Gu/yh: "Just hit her with the rock no one will know that we killed her"

G/yh: "Why do I have to kill her I'm not a murder"

they continuously argued until the baby started crying. That's when I've had enough I went up to the two teens and shoved candy down the girls throat and Clawed open the guys stomach. I walked over to the baby and picked her up and she stopped crying she looked up at me with her eyes filled with wonder and she grabbed my nose and giggled

L.J: "Don't worry little Y/N I'll take care of you"

-Eyeless Jack-
Eyeless Jack P.O.V

I had just finished taking my victims kidneys. As I was about to leave out the window I then heard a baby crying. I looked around the house and saw nothing the crying stopped for a bit but then started again I then saw a door that lead to a basement of some sort. As I opened the door I saw a baby lying on the ground with only a dirty blanket to keep her warm.

E.J: "This is no way for a cutie like you to live like, Come on your coming with me and I shall call you hmmmm...Y/N"


When you meet another Creepypasta

-Laughing Jack-
Laughing Jack P.O.V

I was taking Y/N to the masion when I was stopped by Jeff

Jeff: "Hey Jack why do you have a baby did you fuck a girl?"

Lj: "First of all No I did not have Sexual actions with a female and Second I would appreciate it if you didn't curse in front of my daughter Jeffery"

Jeff: " So you did fuck a girl if she's your daughter"

I had enough so I kicked Jeff in the balls. >=)

-Eyeless Jack-
Eyeless Jack P.O.V

As I made it to the creepypasta Masion Y/N fell asleep in my arms. Of course in one of my arms. The other one was the hand holding my box of 3 kidneys. I walked into my room and placed Y/N on my bean bag chair I then ordered a crib online. Once I placed the order I heard a knock at my door. I walked to my door and opened it to see Nina.

Nina: "Hey Jack Slender wanted me to tell you- Hey who's that" she said walking in my room and picking up Y/N

EJ : "Thats my daughter Y/N"

Nina: "You have a girlfriend?" She said sadly as she Tickled Y/N

Ej: "No I found her at a house and Adopted her I already told slender and he's okay with it, anyway what did slender want to tell"

Nina: " Oh right he told me that he forgot to give you a new list of victims" she handed me the paper and Y/N

EJ: "Thanks"

Nina: "No problem Bye Jack. Bye Y/N"


Your first word

-Laughing Jack-
Laughing Jack P.O.V

Y/N and I were at my carnival. We where at the masion for a bit but I felt a present so I went to check it out. So far I see no one at my carnival I continued to search. After finding the 3 teens I placed Y/N down on one of the horses on the merry go round. After killing my victims I walked back to the merry go round to get Y/N but realized she was gone I looked at all the horses but couldn't find her. I then felt a tug on poisonous candy bag. I looked back and see Y/N

Y/N: "Candy"

LJ: "No Y/N your not allowed to have that Candy. But here"

I handed Y/N her favorite flavor lollipop  (One that wasn't poisonous) she then smiled in delight.

-Eyeless Jack-
Eyeless Jack P.O.V

I was reading a medical book I was on the chapter where it talked about kidneys. As I was reading Y/N climbed up on the bed and plopped down right next to me. She then pointed at a picture of a kidney.

Y/N: "Kidneh"

EJ: "No Y/N that's food, but close enough" I said as I kissed her forehead.


Hope you like the two new characters! Have a great day/night BYE BYE <3

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