Chapter 2

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Alexa stared back at those beautiful blue eyes, and smiled. She could feel someone tapping her shoulder and tore her eyes away from the beautiful stranger to see her best friend Kalia standing behind her. "You're late", Alexa said, mocking a sulk. "Yeah, sorry, the parent's wouldn't let me leave", Kalia slouched on the stool next to her. Alexa stared at Kalia's attire, she was wearing a very low cut, turquoise top and tight, black, skinny jeans. Her hair was a wave of golden curls flowing down her back. "Suprising", Alexa laughed and called Liam over again. 

"What can I do for you Alexa?", He smiled. "One more beer please Liam, this is my friend Kalia". Liam glanced at Kalia and smiled widely. The music was dying down and Alexa swiftly turned to watch the young boy step off the stage, the crowds errupted into cheers. Liam was whistling from behind Alexa. 

"Do you know him?", Kalia asked. "Yeah, that's my little brother".

"Oh you look nothing alike, I prefer black haired boys", Kalia winked at Liam and grabbed her drink, pulling herself off the stool. She gripped Alexa's hand and pulled her through the crowd to an empty table. "What was that?", Alexa demanded, slamming her drink on the table, making some spill. "Jealous?", Kalia smirked.

"Of course not, but you have a boyfriend, who happens to be my best friend, so I would be careful if I were you"

"Oh yeah, I forgot I didn't get a chance to tell you"

"Tell me what?", Alexa asked, concerning rushing through her.

"Kyle broke up with me, yesterday"

"Wow,you move on fast, what happend?"

"You tell me, one minute we were planning for Prom, the next he's calling me saying it's over, I heard rumors he's with Char.", Kalia's eyes watered, but she sniffed back the tears, not wanting to ruin the tough-act. Deep inside she felt as if she was dying, her and Kyle had been together for 2 years. It seemed everything was fine. 

"Char wouldn't do that, I swear"

"Whatever, I don't care, I'm just going to the restroom, fix my makeup before this party, go flirt with bartender and ask him to join us". Alexa giggled watching Kalia stumbled off the seat, tonight was about to get wild. She knew it was horrible to lie to Kalia but it was best for her, for everyone. If Kalia found out that Alexa knew all along about Kyles affair with their so-called best friend then all hell would break loose. 

Alexa grabbed her drink and purse and stood up from the table. She walked gracefully over to the bar, where the gorgeous stranger sat talking to Liam. The corners of her mouth turned upwards, as she stared at his perfect dark brown curls. Liam caught her staring and called her over. "Hey, where's your friend?"

"Why? you miss hitting on her?". Alexa sat on the bar stool and turned at the handsome stranger who was chuckling beside her. Liam playfully punched him, pushing her slightly. "No, just don't want to see you alone", He smiled a perfect smile and slid a glass of water her way. "The stranger was watching her, she turned her head slightly in his direction, his eyes watching her every move, she smirked, raising an perfectly shaped eyebrow. 

"You going to keep staring, or actually tell me your name?", she smirked. "Oh, I was thinking I'll let you suffer". She caught his smirk and the twinkle in his eyes, her eyes played back the reflection. "His name is Jayden", Liam butted in. "Thanks", Alexa flashed a smile and turned back to Jayden, "I'm Alexa". "Well, Alexa, nice to meet you"

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