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THE FIRST TIME that Elspeth Ciùineas MacDonald realized her future was when her mother announced that she could no longer have children

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THE FIRST TIME that Elspeth Ciùineas MacDonald realized her future was when her mother announced that she could no longer have children. It was over dinner, and Elspeth was five at the time.

"Elsie," said her father, Gheal MacDonald, "do ye know what that means for yeh?"

Elspeth shook her head, eyes widened with curiosity.

"'At means when you're all grown up ye gie tae keep th' farm."

Elspeth looked puzzled. She couldn't understand what her father was saying, as his already think scottish highland accent was muffled by the large bite of clapshot that he took before speaking.

Her mother sensed her confusion, intervening so Gheal didn't have to repeat himself. "He says that you'll get the farm someday, Ulaidh." Her mother, despite living on a farm for over ten years now, still had traces of a posh accent from her childhood in Edinburgh.

Elspeth grinned as she ran over to hug her father, happy that someday she was going to be the owner of the only unicorn farm left in Scotland.


THE SECOND TIME her fate was reassured was the day she got her wand.

She had received her first Hogwarts letter the week before, on the first of August. Her parents had both been students at Hogwarts (as that is how they met), and had been playing up the event all summer, which made Elspeth rather impatient. So impatient, that she accidentally ripped the letter in half while trying to open it (all was well though; her mother was amazing at charms).

Today though, was more exciting than any letter she could possibly receive, because today, she was getting her wand.

"Ma, ma!! Look!! 'S right there!!!" Elspeth was pulling on her mother's hand, pointing at Ollivander's wand shop. Her mother, Bethel, let out a soft chuckle. The streets of Diagon Alley were almost barren that day, which was good because around a lot of people, Elspeth was very quiet, and today her parents wanted her to be happy.

"Not yet, Ulaidh. We have to bide until yer da gets here." Elspeth frowned. Her father was watching over Liese, a one-hundred year old female unicorn back at the farm that was, sadly, very close to facing death. "But-" said Bethel, a bright smile on her face, "we can go to to Madam Malkin's ter get your robes!"

Elspeth smiled, allowing Bethel to lead the way.


"I can't believe we already got meh robes, cauldron, books, and stationery! What's left on the list, ma?" Bethel glanced over the supply list.

"I'm sure you'll be excited-" She was interrupted by a loud crack.

"Da!" Shouted Elspeth, running over to hug her father.

"Whoah Elsie, don't want tae knock yer old man over now don't ya?" Elspeth giggled.

"Ma, can we get meh wand now?" Elspeth asked, bouncing up and down in excitement.

"Yes, Ulaidh, I believe we can," said Bethel, smiling at her daughter as the trio made their way to Ollivanders wand shop.


"Elspeth MacDonald... Now, where have I heard that name before?" Muttered Ollivander. Elspeth was standing in the middle of Ollivanders wand shop, her parents standing near the entrance, watching.

"Meh da, he's yer unicorn hair supplier," said Elspeth.

"Of course, of course!" Said Ollivander, "How could I forget! Hello Gheal, Bethel." Elspeth's parents waved at Ollivander. "Now, now, let's try these," said the kind man, placing three wand boxes in the small girl's arms.

The first wand was a Hornbeam wand with a Unicorn Hair core, which excited Elspeth as she knew that was the same wood type and core that her father had, and was common with her unicorn farmer ancestors.

"Go on, try it out," said Ollivander. Elspeth waved the wand, and a silvery wisp flew out of the tip, before disappearing. Elspeth frowned.

"Don't worry," said Ollivander, handing her the next wand. It was an English Oak with a Phoenix Feather core. Elspeth gulped as she looked at her parents, assuming that they would be ashamed of her if the wand matched. Both her father and her mother gave her a reassuring smile though, which took the weight off of her shoulders.

As Elspeth waved the wand, sputtering sparks flew out, but nothing more. She turned her head towards Ollivander, and he held up the last of the three wands. "10 inch Rowan with a Unicorn Hair core. I think you may find that this one suits you," he said with a wink. Elspeth smiled at she took the wand, gripping tightly.

She loosened her grip. The wand felt comfortable in her hand. Smiling, Elspeth waved the wand, and a warm light swirled out of the tip, letting off a glow reminiscent of a sunset with it's pink and orange tones. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She ran up to Ollivander and gave him a hug, which shocked the old man at first, but almost instantly made him feel more calm and serene. Ollivander was snapped out of his daze by the strong voice of Gheal MacDonald.

"That's the same wand yer great grandmother had. She owned th' farm for 50 years I tell ye."

"That's wonderful da!" Shouted Elspeth as she jumped to her father and gave him a hug.

Elspeth knew she was destined for a future with her favorite creatures.


WHEN THE TIME CAME for her to be sorted, Elspeth already knew what house she wanted to be in.

She wanted to be a Hufflepuff, like her father, and everyone else that carried the MacDonald bloodline. Her mother was a Ravenclaw, but then again, her mother didn't come from the blood of the oldest (and only) family of Unicorn farmers in Scotland.

"MacDonald, Elspeth!" Shouted Professor McGonagall. Elspeth took careful steps up to the stage, crossing her legs once she sat on the stool. Her hands were perfectly still as the Sorting Hat was placed on her head. At that moment, the students of Hogwarts saw the definition of tranquility (that was her middle name, after all).

"Hufflepuff," whispered the Sorting Hat, barely taking five seconds to consider its choice. The confusion spread through students and professors alike. The Sorting Hat was always loud, that was just how it was. Elspeth heard some people a few feet away from her say that it was because the hat wasn't confident in its decision, but the hat was never wrong, plus, she knew she was a Hufflepuff through and through.

Elspeth knew why the Sorting Hat whispered. It was her gentle nature. Somehow she just calmed those around her. If they noticed her, of course (she tended to be quite invisible at times). Elspeth silently walked to the Hufflepuff table, taking an empty seat next to a girl with long, light brown hair.

Elspeth quietly watched the rest of the sorting, lightly clapping whenever the Sorting Hat announced a new addition to the Hufflepuff house.

And all was almost well.


(A.N. Okay so that was sort of the history of Elspeth's big events of being a witch and her discovering that she wants to inherit the family farm. The actual story starts at the beginning of her fifth year. Also, her mother calls her Ulaidh as a pet name. Ulaidh is treasure in Scottish Gaelic, and to her mother she is treasure sooo yeah. Gotta Blast!)

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