He leaves my heart doing drum rolls and my stomach doing flips as he chuckles and pulls away. "I'll pick you up at 6." With that, he stalks off, sure to send me a quick wink first. Oh my gosh, what is he doing to me!? This feeling is so foreign, but I'm not complaining.

I checked the time on the microwave once I had entered my room, noticing that I had two hours untill he would be back. I quickly took a shower, making sure to shave and scrub myself clean. Not that we're going to do anything, but it'd be gross of me to wear a skirt and still have prickly legs. Major turn off. When I was done, I quickly wrapped a towel around my body and headed out into the main room.

I wish I had bought cuter underwear. I never really go on dates, so I don't need anything too nice, but now I just wish I would have bought that Victoria's Secret bra. It'd be nice to feel pretty on your first date. But for now, I guess the plain, strapless nude bra will have to do.

Okay, what to wear. I have my floral summer like dress, a blue dress that is tight at the top and flows from the waist down, or I could go with my black dress the has a slit in the stomach area. That'd be nice, but it might not be appropriate for a first date. I have a pink skirt that I could wear with my tighter black top? Ugh, this is when I need Gemma here!

I wonder how far the bowling alley is... No. I can't do that... Ugh, why do these things have to be so complicated?

I dug through my closet more, sighing as nothing looked either good to wear on a first date, or wasn't appropriate.

To: Gemma

Can I wear something of yours tonight? I have a date... and I've got nothing..

I pressed the send button as I plopped onto the bed, shaking my hair out with my towel. My phone buzzed and I scrambled to get it. My hands were starting to shake and the nerves became more powerful as I realized I had an hour left. Why am I so nervous for this? It's just Luke. Luke who has me going insane and completely out of my mind. Oh, gosh.


What?! A date with who!?!?!

A nervous chuckle escaped my mouth as I typed my reply.

To: Gemma

Luke Hemmings.. Please can I borrow something? I have like an hour and nothing to wear, and I'm freaking out! hahah


Lucas fucking Hemmings? Oh my gosh! What? How? Huh?

I laughed and she sent another, causing my phone to buzz again.

You're telling me EVERYTHING tonight! And yes, you may... have fun and don't freak! ;)

I laughed again and sent a quick thanks. Okay, holy cow, time is flying! I jumped off the bed and dug through her closet a little before deciding on a strapless sweethearted dress. The top was white and then blue at about the mid section. I smiled and pulled it out, rushing into the bathroom to do my hair.

I curled it, letting it fall gown my back in a cascade of dirty blonde ringlets. I slipped on the dress and finalized myself by putting on just a neutral base foundation and black mascara. I puckered my lips as I swept lipgloss across them, giving a little pop of them after. Glancing in the mirror one last time, I walked out of the bathroom, satisfied with my look.

Now. Shoes... I searched around in my closet before coming up with a pair or brown wedges. I slipped them on, just in time for the know at my door. Shit. Small, delicate butterfly wings danced around in my stomach as I slowly walked to the door, wiping my hands down my dress to straighten it. My heart raced at an irregular pace as I opened the door.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora