5 years before

387 12 0

(Y/N) P.O.V

I had just finished my performance of the dance competition feeling a bit tired. I was sweating and drinking a bottle of water taking off my ballet shoes. I sigh walking to the dressing room after hearing I got 3rd place. 'Man I can't believe I messed that up i could have done better. Ugh my feet are killing me!'. I changed into my more comfortable clothes and shoes walking out. "Hey (Y/N) why don't you go take a walk don't stress about the competition there's always next year" my coach looks at me. "Yeah I will" I sigh walking out of the building feeling the slightly warm yet cool air. 'Well this place is beautiful'. I was lost in thought looking around not really paying attention to where I was walking. "Oof!" I heard a small voice and snapped out of my thoughts seeing a small girl fall back. "Oh I'm sorry" I kneeled down helping her up. "It's okay" She got up with my help. I was a little surprised she knew English I was expecting her to not understand much of what I was saying. She looks at me and her eyes widen "Wow it's you!" She smiles excited. "Uh.." I was a little confused then it hit me "oh you know about the dance competition" I smile. She nods "yes you're my favorite dancer!". "Well I'm happy but why are you wondering around alone shouldn't your parents be around with you." I look around confused about why a little girl would be wondering around alone. "Oh actually I am part of the orphanage." She looks at her feet. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring up bad memories I didn't think your parents were dead." I apologized feeling a bit bad. "Oh no they aren't dead they just didn't have time for me" she looks at me. "I'm sorry but what" I was in shock. 'Why would parents give away their child and what kind of job is it when they have no time for their kid?!'. "Well my maman is a model for France in competitions and other fashion shows and my papa is busy working on a new line of fashion and art. They said I was too needy and they ignored me so a lady came to the house with two other people and took me away saying that I will get taken better care of somewhere else." She smiles "I guess she was right i mean the ladies are nicer but the food sometimes isn't as good". I smile "Well what's your name." I sat on a bench with her. "Oh I'm Elise and when I grow up i want to do what you do but on ice". "Oh why on ice" I look at her. "Well on a special Christmas surprise the ladies took us to the ice rink and I thought it was fun kinda like flying but other so high" she sat next to me kicking her feet. "What if I told you I can help you active that" I smile at her. "Huh really you'd help me" she looks at me. I nod "yes but you have to do me a favor." "Oh I'll do anything." She smiles widely her eyes big with hope. "Don't get adopted" I lean back as 'as crazy as it sounds I need her to do this'. "Okay I promise not many look at me to adopt anyway " she was practically jumping in her seat. I smile "I'll go to the orphans next week "

One week later

I was walking to the orphanage smiling. I had finally got my coach distracted long enough for me to adopt Elise. I had turned 18 just of yesterday and I was able to legally adopt her. I opened the door to the building and walk in. "Oh hello how can I help you today" a woman behind the desk smiles. "I'm actually here to adopt" I walk up to the desk "I believe we spoke on the phone last week" I look at her. "Oh you must be Ms. (L/N) yes you said you wanted to adopt Elise." She looks at the computer. I nod "yes that's the girl". "Okay let me go get here while you sign these papers " she got up giving me the papers and pen. I started filling out the papers as she got her. I look at the door hearing small footsteps running to the door and running in "are you really adopting me?!" Elise looks at me. I nod "yep". She hugs me tightly "Thank you!" . I hug back and got up holding her "Let's go it'll be a long story to explain to my coach" I let out a small laugh.

Time Skip  after explaining everything to your coach

"So let me get this straight you're going to become her skating coach and adopted her but you're her big sister more opposed to being her mother" my coach looks at me. I nod "yes". Elise had fallen asleep on my hotel bed. "Alright but as long as you stay on your schedule as well " She sighs rubbing her head walking to her own room. I laid next to Elise 'this will be some adventure ' I smile and slowly fell asleep thinking of the future.

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