Part One: Friendship

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Tomika's POV
Tomika here. Hey ! So far my life has been pretty great ! I have an awesome band that I am in. Well, a secret band called School of Rock. We have written so many songs ! We even won battle of the bands. We do it all from our classroom and create all of our songs there ! I love being in the band with my teacher Mr. Finn, and my four best friends Summer, Freddy, Lawrence, and Zack. They mean the absolute world to me ! Can't wait for some more rocking out !
Summer's POV
Hey ! My name is Summer ! My life is also pretty amazing and awesome at the moment ! Got my band, and my best friends ! The best part of it, is getting to be the manager of the band ! It's amazing and great ! My best friends are Tomika, Freddy, Lawrence, and Zack. I kind of have a crush on Freddy as well. He's just so cute. Anyway, they are my rock and I don't know what I would do without them in my life ! Ready to rock ?
Freddy's POV
What's up ? I'm Freddy ! My life consists of drumming and skateboarding ! Oh and my best friends Tomika, Zack, Lawrence, and Summer ! Now, Summer makes me feel a certain feeling; A special feeling. She makes me feel happy! But she's with Asher now. But anyways, the band is so important to me and my friends. You ready to rock your heart out ?
Zack's POV
Hey guys ! I'm Zack ! The Zack Master ! My life is amazing and mostly because of my secret band. But a more important reason, my best friends. Lawrence, Summer, Freddy, and Tomika ! Now, Tomika makes me feel some type of way that I don't normally feel. I like her but she doesn't know that. Anyways, I'm great with making money and I'm pretty smart if I do say so myself ! Ready to rock out with us ?
Lawrence's POV
Hello, my name is Lawrence ! I'm the smart one of my group ! But, that's not the point at the moment. My life consists of inventing cool sometimes weird things and having Zack make money off of them, and my secret band with my best friends ! I play the keyboard and it's awesome ! My best friends are Tomika, Zack, Summer, and Freddy. They mean the absolute world to me and I wouldn't trade them for anything. So you ready to rock out with School of Rock ?
A/N: Yes you guys, this is my second book ! It's totally different from my first one honestly. But I like to write about new things and new fandoms ! So I hope you guys enjoy my story of School of Rock ❤️

Tomika and Zack ❤️ (fan fiction story) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt