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君の名は - kimi no na wa; your name

Aren, where are you?



"Aren, holy crap, wake the hell up." I jolted and was awaken by Kayla suddenly. Oh, we're here.

But I swear I heard a different voice.

"Sorry, I didn't get enough sleep last night." I swiftly took all my things and exited the bus with my friend. Wow, I'm kinda dizzy now because of that.

"You shouldn't take buses. If it weren't because of me you'd pass by your stop." Kayla laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just having my car fixed, I'll get it sometime this week." I answered. The voice earlier is still bugging me.

Kayla and I are coworkers. We work in this new sports brand company that's been one of the competitors of the top brands. I'm kinda proud that I got into here. Some big shot company, I guess.

"How's Jason?" Kayla queried. I shrugged at her.

"Good, I guess. Jace has been very busy with his job recently though. Don't have time to take me out or something."

"Aww. It's okay, I'll take you out. Where do you wanna go?" Both of us laughed. I shrugged once again, I don't know where to go anyway.

The two of us entered the elevator. I yawned. I really couldn't sleep last night. I kept thinking about Jason, and how recently he's not.. very affectionate? I mean, probably because he goes to work earlier than I do so when I get home, he's asleep. Maybe. I don't want to think about any other reason.

"Aren't you two planning to get married any sooner?"

I blinked. "Huh?"

"'Cause, you know. We're getting old and stuff."

"You don't need to rush things, Kay. Besides, I'm happy right now. Marriage isn't.. really part of my plan. Maybe a couple of years more?"

"I see.." Kayla became quiet. I looked at the numbers that were changing as we went higher.

Jason's not really talking to me about it anyway. I don't need a surprise proposal or some sort. I'm a simple person. But I guess it's not yet on his mind too.

"Why?" I spat, breaking the awkward silence.

Kayla excitedly turned to me, as if she was waiting for me to say that exact word. "Because," she raised her hand, showing a sparkly diamond ring, "I am!"

"Oh my gosh!" I screamed, we both screamed, stopped, then supressed our screaming. The elevator door opened and we giddily walked out together.

"When did that happen!? Seriously, Kayla!" I grinned, staring at her hand.

"Just a few days ago. It was so magical." Kayla answered dreamily. Ah, it must've been nice.

I looked at her in the eye and embraced her tight. "I'm so happy for you. I'm so happy. Congratulations."

"Thank you, Aren." We smiled at each other and hugged again, but our moment was broken by Hannah, the secretary.

She coughed, so I dettached myself from my friend. "The president will hold a meeting shortly. It's about the new athletes we're sponsoring."

After that brief reminder, she gave us some papers with information about the client before striding to the meeting room. Kayla and I followed while trying to read some of it.

"Ohhh, we're meeting the athletes and their coaches soon. Interesting. I heard these kids really excel in their sports." said Kayla.

Then a familiar name caught my eye.

"This.. He.." I stuttered that made Kayla look at me.

"What? What is it?"

I couldn't answer.

After years of avoiding this specific name. This person.

"Aren? You okay, girl?"

I just quietly read back and forth, trying to process why this is happening.

Fujio Sawamatsu and.. Yuzuru Hanyu.

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