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Thriller era

Summer of 1984

"And we have arrived in Encino!" The bus tour driver announced on the intercom. You readjust your sunglasses as sweat runs down your nose. As you observe the area, tourists scatter along the sidewalks and snap pictures of the sites. "Ladies and gentlemen, we will be seeing a few celebrities houses. Do not get out of the vehicle even if we stop." The bus driver says. We drove past some celebrities's houses; typical mansions. But  you were yearning to see the most famous, beautiful man you could ever see: Michael Jackson. "We actually have one more house to go to, please do not yell, or snap pictures, this celebrity likes his privacy."  You nod excitedly as you squeal to yourself. As soon as we arrived to "your mans" house, you stare in awe. Everyone's jaws drop as they see the Victorian style house. This was no ordinary mansion. As we come to a halt, you see the front door opening and see the very familiar silhouette and almost scream your lungs out. Michael stops and waves and smiles to the starstruck fans.  A couple tourists sitting beside you decide to try and climb out the vehicle and since you were on the edge of the seat, you instantly fall out... head first. You instantly hear a faint, precious voice yell security and hear gasps and murmurs of the other tourists. The bodyguards took hold of the rude tourists and you feel soft hands pick you up off the ground. The tourists scream as Michael is the closest he could be and take as much pictures as they can of Michael. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Y-yes." You stammered looking deep into his concerned dark brown eyes.  He chuckles, "You have a pretty nasty gash on your head. Let me take you inside and fix you up." He says. 'OMLLLL I'm going into my mans house!!!!!!!' you say to yourself. "Can you walk? Are you dizzy?" Michael floods your head with questions. Awe that's cute. "Yeah sure I can walk." You reply getting out of his tight grasp. He stares at you and grabs your hand as you two walk towards the house. "LUCKY DUCK!" The tourists yell as the bus driver decides to drive away. Butterflies erupt in your stomach as you tighten the grasp of your intertwined hands. We enter his house and I stare in awe at how beautiful it is inside. "Is anyone home, besides you? I mean I'm not gonna do anything like that ya know, but I mean I don't wanna be a burden to your family." You rant. "No I'm the only one for a couple days. I've been working on my new album a little bit, my family is gone on a road trip to visit some friends." He explains. "Oh ok." You reply. "Whats your name by the way?" He asks. "Y/N L/N." You say. "Pretty name." He murmurs. You smirk as you could clearly hear him.  He sits you down on the couch, and rushes over to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. You look at some of his old pictures of him with his fluffy afro in the Jackson 5 days. He's always been cute, but he's gotten sexier. :) "Ok, let me take look at that gash." He says as he takes his long slim fingers and examines the gash that happens to be along your hair line and down your forehead. You wince in pain as he sprays the stingy antibacterial spray. "Sorry beautiful." He winks at you as he applies a large band-aid to your forehead. You blush and play with the hem of your shirt. DAYUM Michael!  "You feel better?" He asks as he puts back the items into the first aid kit. "Yeah thanks Michael, for everything. You really didn't have to do this." You say as you stand up from the couch. "Of course I did. I'd do anything for my fans, they shouldn't have to go through this for me." He kisses your cheek softly and you instantly blush like a hot tomato. "Since you d-don't have a ride, would you like me to take you home?" He asks shyly. "Of course! I'd love to." You reply. He grabs you by your hand and takes you over to his limo. He opens the door for you like a gentleman and his driver winks at Michael. Michael blushes and slides next to you. 

15 mins later

"This is it." You say as the limo pulls up beside your house. "Aww this seemed like it was so short." Michael pouts. "I'd really like to see you again." You both say at the same time. You both gasp lightly and blush not making eye contact. "Here's my number. Call me if you need anything." Michael says as he scribbles his phone number on a piece of newspaper. You chuckle and take the paper and slide it into your pocket. "Thanks again for all that you've done, I really appreciate it." You smile and he blushes. "Your very welcome Miss Y/N." He flirts with a British accent. He gets out the limo and holds open the door. You laugh as you slide over to the other end of the limo to get out of the limo. "Thank you kind sir." You say in your almost perfect British accent. You two both laugh as he closes the door and leans against the limo facing you. "Thank you again for everything." You say to him. "No, thank you." Michael replies. You look at him with a puzzled look on your face. "Thank you for not freaking out when you saw me, and thank you for actually wanting to get to know me." He says sincerely. "Your welcome Michael." You smile. "Well you should get going, its getting pretty dark out here." Michael says. "Ok, well bye Michael, can I call you tonight?" You ask. "Um yeah sure 9 is pretty good for me." Michael replies. "Ok, see ya!" You wave and start walking towards your house. Being the clutz you are, you trip over your own feet but before you even touch the ground, you feel strong hands hold onto you. "Don't worry I got you." He smiles looking deep into your eyes. You stand up slowly but didn't notice how close you were to him. Your lips brushed against each other and before you knew it you two were kissing. Your lips mesh together in sync and his large hands wrap around your waist. You break the kiss and look deep into his eyes. "Tonight at 8, ok?" You say as you walk backwards still facing him. He nods in agreement and you turn around and walk up the steps to your house. You take a last glance at him and he stands there starstruck. You chuckle and enter your house. You immediately scream and dance all the way to your room.

The end.

I know I haven't posted much on my imagines book, but Ive been planning some more for you guys and they will come out soon! Hope you enjoy this imagine!


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