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Frank groaned as "alcohol" by the millionaires blared through his phone signaling it was time to get up and get ready for school.
Melissa Marie's somewhat annoying voice continued blaring out of the pathetic little iPhone 4.
Frank grabbed his phone and shut off the alarm and fucked around on his phone for about ten minutes, mainly checking his oh-so-spectacular Tumblr account where he ranted about how hard it was to keep the scene kid culture alive.
He eventually got out of bed and got dressed then did his hair. A lot went into his look. The hair straightening, the hair chalk, the eyeliner, and most importantly the glitter and the stickers.
Frank was pretty out there when it came to fashion, but so were all scene kids. He gave up trying to keep his outfits in dress code. Dress code said "no distracting clothes" but frank literally looked like a ke$ha song, and that was pretty distracting. Frank wasn't the only scene kid though, and oh god was he grateful for Gabe Saporta, Pete Wentz, and Travie McCoy, and his best friend, Se7en.

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