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Caroline's POV

Today, I was going to spend all afternoon with Rebekah so we could go find the dresses for prom. After this class, I was going with Bekah find a dress.

I was in the middle of the class when I received a text from Klaus so we would meet in the hall, so I raised my hand to ask to go to the bathroom.

"Yes, Ms. Forbes?"

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

"You know that in my classes I don't let you go. When one starts to go then everybody remembers to go to the bathroom. Go other time, when you don't have to interrupt a lesson." He said

I had three options:
1) not going to see Klaus (which wasn't gonna happen)
2) compelling
3) making a good excuse so he would let me go

I opted for the third because compelling teacher in front of a class would make people suspicious.

"I really need to go. I think my period came sooner." I said and my teacher quickly make a awkward face, and my friends look at me because they knew it was an excuse.

"O-ok. You may go, but just this time."

"Thank you." I said and left.

After I walked away from the classroom, I saw Klaus, so I quickly run over to him and hugging him, while he spin me around then he let my feet get back to the ground and I kissed him.

I took him to the girls bathroom, so I would know if everything was okay and the reason he was here.

"This was a nice surprise... But is everything okay?"

"Yes. I just wanted to say goodbye again. I still can't believe you are going to spend the all afternoon with my sister."

"Are you jealous of Bekah?"

"No! Maybe..." he said and I kissed him.

"You have no reason to feel jealous. We are just going to find a dress for the prom. I can make it up for you later, alright."

"I love you so much, Caroline Forbes." He said and kissed me passionately.

"Nik... I love you... but I can't take long. I had to make this big excuse so the teacher would let me go."

"Didn't you just ask to go to the bathroom?"

"Yeah, but he doesn't like to let students go to the bathroom so I had to say that I thought that I got my period." I said and he laughed a little, then I gave him one last kiss before I went back to the classroom.


"Class dismissed." The teacher said after what seemed forever.

I went to my locker and quickly Rebekah followed me.

"Can I know now what happened so you would give that excuse to go to the bathroom?"

"Nik texted me because he wanted to say goodbye again." I said blushing a little bit.

"You completely changed my brother. I don't remember seeing him so happy and so lovey dovey with someone." She said, making me blush. "But, changing the subject, Bonnie is going with us. She still doesn't have a dress and I want to know what is happening between her and Kol."

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