Taylor and Justin- II

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Taylor POV

I was eager to get back to school. There had been a break between the second and the third trimester and I was starting school again.

I rolled out of bed and bounced over to my closet. I pulled a floral tanktop off a hanger and walked over to my dresser. In my skirt drawer I pulled out a white lace skirt and a pair of spandex shorts. And in my sock drawer I pulled out a strapless bra.

I pulled my pajamas off. The tank top fit perfectly, accenting the curves that I had. The skirt gave a little bit of innocence back to me even if I wasn't that innocent. I slipped the spandex on under it.

I reached for my hairbrush. My phone  loudly binged, startling me. "Ah fuck!"

I scrambled over to my nightstand to grab my phone. Instead of another demanding text from my father. It was a text from my boyfriend, Justin.

Morning Tay. Our anniversary and ur birthday comes up on the 14th. Lol. I'll see u @ school. 😘

I smiled after I finished reading it.

Aw you remembered that not only my birthday is in 2 days but our anniversary is in 2 days too. This is y I  <3 u. See u @ school 2 😍.

I hit send button.

I walked back over to my vanity. I picked up my brush and started to brush out all of the knots that had been tangled into my normally sleek brown hair during the night.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked really sick. I unlocked my makeup box. I applied the tiniest bit of concealer on my face. I added a tiny bit of sparkly pink lip gloss. And a   little mascara. And just a little eyeliner. Just a little bit of makeup I swear.

I rubbed a little deodorant on my armpits, giving a pleasant lavender smell.

I also pulled on a pair of socks from my drawer.

"Taylor get your ass down here before your roast gets cold!" My mom yelled at me.

"Shit, I'm running late." I muttered to myself.

I rushed down the steps that led from my room to the kitchen.

"You didn't have to fucking yell." I said I said to my mom  as I grabbed my toast.

"Hey! Don't use that fucking language young lady." My mom joked.


I grabbed my bag. The one I got for this year. It was black with white pokadots. My books at folders were still in my bag.

I put my toast in my mouth and started to the door. "See ya after school mom."

I started walking on the sidewalk to the school. I suddenly felt someone's hands go around my waist. I spun myself around and swung my leg up to where the head of someone would be. I stopped maybe and an inch away.

It was Justin standing there. I nearly just kicked my boyfriend in the face.

I swung my leg down. "Justin, oh my gosh I'm so sorry!"

Justin rubbed his head. He was one of the guys who tried with his hair but he didn't use a shit ton of hairspray. "Ah, it's okay. That's what I get for falling in love with a martial arts member."

"Aw. And this is what I get for falling in love with a pervert."

"Hey! It's not my fault I love you." Justin thought for a moment. "I'll give you a piggyback ride to school to make up for it."

My eyes practically were practically twice the normally the size. "Really?! I'm never too old!"

I jumped onto Justin's back. "Away human horse! Haha!"

"You're lucky I love you my little Hermit Crab." Justin muttered.

I hugged Justin's head. "I love you too my human horse. Now faster! School we have a half an hour to get to school and your really slow."

Justin grumbled something about loving me and me be annoying at the same time.

I kissed the top of his head. That seemed to motivate him to go a little faster. He happily bounced along the side walk on the way to school.

We truly are the cutest couple around ❤

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