part 2 of this story: Ana and the team 7

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alright this part has some cursing just to let you know


"i am really sorry but i can't remember who excaltly you are" said 0 with a hint of regert in his voice."it's all right but i didn't expect much form some one who lost thier memory"said Ana."how did you get here i mean i don't know much myself but do you?"asked 0."i just woke up here a few days ago did that help you in any way"said Ana."no but thanks by the way where are you staying?"asked 0."well i saw you one day ago when i got here so i followed you like a lost puppie and then i snuck through the window when you were asleep and leave before you woke up sorry."said Ana."if you wanted to stay here you could have just asked considering that face of your i would have said yes the moment you asked."said 0 with a smug smirk on his face."sure would have."said Ana."what you don't trust me or something.anyway do you want to sleep here today?"asked 0."are you serious i would love to but i'm kinda hungry do you have any food?"asked Ana."of coruse i'm seroius come on get some ramen and go to sleep in my room i still have some thing to do."said 0."alrigth,bye i guess."said Ana.(0 then left his apartment)

(In the forest outside of konoha 0 laid down) "what should i do i'm losing my mind if i don't see a dead person soon i'm gonna go insane and then nothing would be left in this univeruse except for me and this chunk of rock that i'm on,what should i do i mean i don't know what to do,i need some guildnce."said 0."what do you want to do?"said a ghost that seemed to have died when they were hung."do I know you from somewhere?"asked 0."oh dont pretend you dont know you are after all the one who hung me was you 0."said the ghost."thats in possible i would nerver hang a women so it couldnt have been me,listen i dont know how you know my name but you got the wrong person."said 0."I dont have the wrong person because I am the only one who knew what the shots did they enable the ability to travel to diffirent universe and it also takes someone else so I know it is you 0 so please listen to me do not alter anything In this world even the slightest change can keep you here until every thing is back to normal."said the ghost."wait you cant be are you the woman in white they refered to as Dr.smith?"asked 0."so you do remember me.thats nice but i only came to give you a heads up."said Dr.smith. "But wait I still need some guidance" said 0."well good bye."said Dr.smith as she faded completely away."just when i thought i was head i was accually dead last and i didn't know why but i do know what i am going to do keep going start a blood bath in konoha and work my way through every singale village."said 0 with a smirk on his face he left toward his appartment just to remeber that he let someone stay witht him."I wonder how long i'll be here in this univerus, will i be able to get to go home, but i can't worry about that right now i got to put on a happy smile for tomorrow i do start ninja school tomorrow."said 0 to himself.with that 0 sat in his chair that faced his bed and thought to himself "she is stunning i mean if any one could see her they would agree with me how her blond hair shinned from the refection of the moon light and how her rose red lips glowed under the moon it really is a truely beatiful sight to see" as 0 talked to him self he realized i he wasn't alone wich worried him because he couldn't tell weather it was a anbu black op trying to kill him or talk to him but one thing was for certain he would never be alone as long as this personed ligered. so then he went to sleep waitng for the enemy to leave.

(the next day in the morning)"oh crap im going to be late....wait a mintute thats what i want to be."said 0."can you please keep it down im trying to sleep."said Ana from the other room."see you in the afternoon."said 0 from the kitchen,

(0 POV)

(at the academy on the other side of the door to my classroom)

"alright kids there is a new student here today so please setil down" i know who it was from the sound  of there voice (noise still filled the air)

 "shut the fuck up someone new is here!you can come in now newbie"said iruka from the door i slide it open with a hoodie to cover my face then i took off my hoodie and said "my name is 0 but you dont have to talk to me." alright go take a seat where ever there is an empty seat."said iruka(going up the rows of tables i walked behind sasuke and lend in and then said"this is my seat now move." "why dont you make me"said sasuke but i was smarter than him so i said"only idiots fight over the door but this is a different mater i will only ask you once more please remove your self from my seat." "no and i dont think i ever will" said sasuke. "fine you dont have to move" said i (i picked up sasuke in his chair and throw him out the widow)"dont ever mess with me you dont know what i been through but i know everything about you."said i."you have detention today"iruka screamed "no i dont." i said trying to sound as calm as i could."no did you just say no to me come down here this instance"said iruka."why i dont need to go down besides why should i care after all you were almost killed by your 1 of your freinds you know the 1 the 1 that told naruto to steal the great scroll and then told naruto why was he hated in the village you know that 1"said i."how do you know about that no one would had the time to tell anyone who exactly are you 0?"asked Iruka."Iruka its rude to ask that of me i mean i know its the last day but dont you think you have something else to do like call out the teams?"i said then i turned my head to naruto to who was as i remembered him to be like still grinning because he became a ninja."what are you looking at?"naruto asked. "just the next hokage of coruse."i said grinning while getting a seat and sat next to him and read out the teams i didnt pay attention until he said. "team 7" i shot up in my chair to listen to what he was going to say. "naruto, sakura, and sasuke...oh and 0." i was smiling because i was able to get to be on naruto's team.

(durring lunch)

naruto was pretending to be sasuke to get a kiss from sakura, sasuke was tied up, and me well i was whatching everything happen again i then went to sleep in the classroom but while i was pretending to be asleep i heard some voices around me saying"he looks kinda cute when hes sleeping." i then got up and my alter ego took control of me and asked"well maybe 1 of you can get a date with me well what do you say?", "sure the names ino nice to meet you."said ino, "sorry i was sleep talking so what did i say"i asked."well lets see you kind of asked every girl here out for a date" said sasuke."oh alright, i think i should say this i have an alter ego so i talk in my sleep i just thought i should i say that."i said.after about an hour of waiting only team 7 remaned and then kakashi told us to go to the roof so we went to the roof."alright let give self intruductions"said kakashi."what do you mean i think you should go first to show us what to do."i said. "alright name is kakashi my hobbies...i dont feel like telling you, i dont like nor do i dislike anything and my dream for the future well i dont want to tell you that ethier. now you the one with the spikey yellow hair."said kakashi. "my name is naruto, i like all ramen, i dislike the three minutes you have to wait for ramen to cook and my dream for the future is to become hokage so everyone can respect me."said naruto."alright now you pinky"kakashi said. "my name is sakura not pinky, my dream for the future is.....,i mean what i like,i mean the person i like...,i dislike naruto."said sakura. "looks like boys are the only thing you are thinking about isnt that right but thats besides the point its your go sasuke."i said. "okay my name is sasuke i dont like alot of thing and i dislike alot things, and my dream is more of an ambition than dream because i will make it reality, i want to kill a certain person and rebuild the uchiha clan."said sasuke. "now you"said kakashi. "my name is 0, i like too train, fight, eat, sleep,take naps and ramen, i dislike both sasuke and sakura, also i  hate people who try to beat me in fight because they cant, my dream for the future to go back from where i came or to atleast know about my past."i said."alright now that we all know each other you can go home meet me at the trainning grounds tomorrow and dont eat breakfeast unless you want to throw it up."with that he vanished and i went home just like everyone else.


i will fix the story every now and then so dont worry

A psychopath trapped in Naruto (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now