Chapter 4: Meeting the Boss. First Day of School

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Flap. Flap. Flap. “Faster, faster, faster! Faster wings! I’m already late!”, I mumbled as I fly towards the throne room.  Oh, forgot to introduce myself. I’m Gabriel, the Archangel, the Messenger, and the Left Hand of God… for short, I’m His loyal secretary. And I love my job, but I’m late!! I have fresh new case of “dying” here. Remember the boy name James? Yup, his is a peculiar one.

Sigh… I know I have lived in this magnificent place for practically like forever (more of a fact than sarcasm), but I sometimes wonder how big is this place?! Oh! I can see the throne room. Yeah, it’s like a huge ball of light out far that you’ll literally have to wear thick, really thick, sunglasses. I’m wearing one, duh. The Lord is so brilliant that long ago, the time when I didn’t use the sunglasses, I came to Him to give a message from His son saying He’ll be going back home, and after excusing myself I had temporary blindness for a whole 30 minutes! Yes, it’s like 3000 years in your time. I had asked Raphael, my friend who healed a man, for help after hitting so many pillars! OUCH!

Okay, finally made it! “Uhm Lord, I-” “Oh Gabriel, nice of you to visit!” A loud booming voice said. “Truly an honor to be in Your presence, my Lord. I have some-” “Was it about James Robertson? Hehe, truly one of the few cases we have.” Well, He is the Omniscient One. “and you left him in the library?” “I uh I.. Yes sir!” I stuttered. “But I’m not done with his story yet… his reading it now, currently about to read the fourth chapter, and his wondering what you’re up to.” “Oh? He did? Hehe, have I left him that long? Sir?” I asked. “Don’t worry, he’s in a ride of his semi-afterlife”. I can tell the Almighty is smirking by the way he said that.

“For now… let’s just leave him be. You can visit and keep him company. I’ll be observing him, and when the time comes I’ll send My Son to get him.” “Woah, Lord Jesus? As in personally? Wow, he’s really bles-” “Oh yes he is, all of them are.” The Lord said with a smile. “Okay then, I’ll take my leave my Lord! Thank you!” “Bye! Now for His third coming, the date shall be…” Well, I didn’t quite catch that for I’m already flying away, with my sunglasses in my pocket.

Now to James! Hmm… wonder what he’s reading in chapter four.

I’m crying! I’m crying really hard! “HAHAHA! Oh my guts!” I laughed so hard. Oh my, this is the best chapter yet! The reason why I was laughing so hard is because I’m reading my first day of school.

My mom was driving me to school. “Mooom! Please I wanna stay and play with Nathan!” I whined. “But James sweetie, you can after school.” “uhhhh, why am I the only one to go to school? Why can’t Nathan come with me?” “Aww, your brother isn’t old enough to go. Don’t worry, James. When his older, then he will.”

“He’s lucky he gets to play all day, hmph!” I complained with a pout. By the time we reached the school, I saw so many kids complaining, whining even, and crying. Some won’t let go of their parents, they’re practically glued! “Well, we’re here James. Let’s go!” My mom said excitedly. She grabbed my hand, and led me to the door with my backpack at hand. Once inside, a big intimidating man came towards us. “Hello and good morning Mrs…?” The man said. “Robertson, and this little one here is my son, James. Say hi James” My mother said with a smile. But I only held onto my mother even more because that man is scary! “James, say hi to the..?”

“Oh, sorry, let me introduce myself. I am Carl Wells, principal of Bright Mind Academy.” He held out his hand and was gladly returned by my mother. “Oh! Sorry, Mr Wells. I didn’t know. James, he’s your principal. Come on dear.” My mom tried to push me near to the scary guy. “N-n-noo!” I screamed. “Aww James, it’s alright.” My mom cooed. “I said no!” When Mr Wells’ hand was on my shoulder I flinched! I turned, without looking, and punch something and dashed outside leaving poor Mr Wells with knees on the floor holding his privates.

“Oh my! James! Come back here young man!” My mother roared, “I’m so sorry Mr Wells…” “It-its o-okay Mrs R-Robertson, whoo! He has quite the punch woo!” The principal whimpered as he tries to stand up.  “No, really. I’m sorry for my son’s uhm behaviour. He’s just scared and all, since it is his first time.” “Don’t worry about it Ma’am. I have handled some children like him. And I understand that he is scared of me.” Mr Wells replied, almost composed.

“It’s rare to have a man be principal of a kindergarten and elementary school. Usually, it would be women running this place. But I’ve always loved children. Always wanted one too, but my wife had cyst in her ovaries and have it removed… We were so stricken when the doctor said she could no longer bear children.” “I’m sorry to hear that Sir” “It’s alright ma’am… Ellie’s in a much better place now.” He said with a smile though his eyes start to water.

“I’m really sorry Mr Wells… uhm, I’ll better get James, excuse me sir.” “Of course”, he says as he sits on a bench wiping his eyes.

Sigh… Poor Mr Wells, my fear of him is pretty irrational and childish. Oh well, let’s check if mom has finally found mini-me. She saw me under a tree near the playground. “James Robertson, you are in a heap of trouble!” My mother shouted and it made me flinch. “I-I’m s-s-soowee… mommy…” I cried to my mom. “Aww...” My mother knelt down beside me. “It’s alright dear, but what you did was wrong and it hurt Mr Wells really much.” “I-I know… b-but he’s scary!” I mumbled as she hugged me. “Honey, you didn’t even give him a chance. He’s really nice you know.” “Re-really?” I asked. “Yeah, come on now… let’s go back and apologize, yeah?” “Okay…” I nodded and came back with my mom.

After apologizing to Mr Wells for my unruly behaviour, he gave me a candy! Yey! My little self finally realized that he wasn’t that scary of a man. We talked about what will happen and the activities that school gives to the kids. But the one thing that made little me excited was the field trips that they will be having. “Yey! Field trip! Where will we go sir?” I asked Mr Wells with eyes full of curiosity. With a laugh Mr Wells replied, “You could go to zoos or parks James”.

“COOOL! Yey, bet Nathan’s gonna love it when he hears this!” I said. My mother giggled and said “I’m sure he will, James. Thank you Sir for showing us around” “No problem Mrs Robertson. It’s my job. Now class starts tomorrow, and don’t be late James” Mr Wells reminded us as he escorted us out. “I won’t be late Mr Wells! I will be the first one here!” I said as a matter of fact. “Well then, I’ll see you tomorrow then. Goodbye Mrs Robertson and you too James.”  Mr Wells said with a smile.

With a last wave of goodbyes, my mom drove us home. That would be the day that I was actually excited to go to school. And tomorrow would be the day reality begins.


Author’s notes: Disclaimer! Credits to the movie Up to the characters Carl and Ellie~! :D

Story of My Life  ~slow update :( ~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat