Chapter 4

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Y/N)'s P.O.V

My alarm went off at 7 am, interrupting my beauty rest. I turned it off and stretched. Even though I didn't want to, I had to get up. I don't wanna be that one lazy person in the house. I sat up and remembered that I stayed in Colby's room for the night. It seemed like the alarm didn't wake him, as he was still asleep. I slept on the wall side of the bed while he slept on the edge of the bed. He was facing me. I looked at him and listened to his snores. I gushed over how adorable he looked when he was asleep. Almost like a baby. I grabbed my phone and opened up Snapchat, I took a picture of Colby and posted it with a caption saying, Awe, look how adorable he is when he's asleep. Issa lil baby! 👶. I put my phone down and immediately got bored.

I wonder if I should wake him, I thought. I didn't know what time he normally wakes up, but what if he does wake up at this time? Screw it, I started poking his face, but he didn't even budge. He's a really heavy sleeper. I heard something coming from down the hall. I got up to see who it was. I opened the door just a crack and saw Elton sitting down in a chair, putting on his shoes. "Hey, where are you going?" I asked. He jumped a little; he didn't seem to notice me at first. "I'm gonna go on a small jog. Jesus, (Y/N). You scared the shit out of me." He said. I chuckled and  closed the door again. I crawled back into bed, but this time I jumped on Colby. He stirred a little before actually waking up. He saw me on top of him and was just confused, "Hola!" I said. He laughed as I got off of him. He yawned and stretched his arms out. "What time is it?" He asked. I got my phone out and showed him. He groaned and put a pillow over his face. I pulled it off and started hitting him with it saying 'Wake up' multiple times. "Alright, alright! I'm up!" He exclaimed and sat up. "Good." I said. "Are you hungry?" I asked him. He nodded and a smile grew on my lips. "Great!" I exclaimed. I always had a thing for cooking. "I'll make some pancakes. Or waffles? Which do you want?" I asked him. He thought about it for a bit, "Pancakes." I nodded and got up from the bed. I went to my room to put on some flip flops. "Mmm, comfy." I mumbled. I walked downstairs into the kitchen. I looked through every cabinet until I finally found the pancake mix. I assumed nobody really makes pancakes because the package was untouched. I opened it and started making pancakes.


About half an hour later, I made enough pancakes for the whole house. I threw in some bacon and eggs on the side. I made me and Colby a plate and left the rest of the food on the counter for people to serve themselves. As if on cue, Colby walked down the stairs, he was still wearing the same shorts. Yes, he had no shirt on. He took one glance at his plate and drooled. "Wow, (Y/N) this is..." He started but never finished due to him digging in his plate. I giggled and started to eat as well. As we ate, we talked about our inspiration for YouTube and other incoherent subjects. By the time we were finishing up, the rest of the guys and Devyn came in. They looked at me and Colby and started making kissy faces. I facepalmed and groaned. Under my hand, I was a blushing mess. I got it under control and lifted my head up, "I made food." I pointed to the counter, they all said 'Thank you' and served their plates.

Me and Colby excused ourselves and we both went into the gaming room. I went through their games and we ended up choosing Rocket League. I sat down on the couch and Colby sat next to me. I felt this weird feeling but I shrugged it off and focused on the game.


"HA! TAKE THAT!!" I yelled as I jumped on the couch. "YOU CHEATED!" Colby accused. I put my hand over my chest and gasped, "Me? Cheat? No, but seriously it was legitness." Colby laughed and I did too. I still stood on the couch, until someone scored the next goal, which was Colby. I pouted and instead of stomping my foot in a childish manner, I lost my footing and lost my balance. I landed on top of Colby. We layed on the floor, still processing what had happened. I sat up and turned into a tomato. I was straddling Colby and he was under me. I blushed intensely, as did he. I quickly got off of him and cleared my throat. "Uh..sorry! For falling on you." I apologized. "I-it's fine. Don't stress it." He stuttered. I smiled a little at his stutter. We went back to the game and in the end, I won. I wasn't up for one more round so I called it a game. "I'm gonna go get Sam and see if he's ready. Plus, I need to get my stuff too." Colby said. I nodded and watched him walk out of the room. I checked my phone and saw 5 new messages. I unlocked my phone and looked through the messages.

   7:57 AM
'I know you're in LA'

8:12 AM
'Answer me (Y/N)'

8:35 AM
'I know you live with 5 other guys'

8:43 AM

9:26 AM
'I'm on my way to LA'

The number ID is unknown. I assumed it was Henry. I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair in a frustrated manner. I tried calming down by looking on the bright side. He knows I'm in LA but he doesn't know my address, so the chances of him finding me are low. I didn't reply to the messages and focused on the small trip me, Sam, and Colby are going to in a few minutes. I made a mental note of what to put in my small bag. I went upstairs and started going down the list, making sure I have everything I made a mental note on. I plugged my phone in to charge a little before we left. I put my bag on and walked to Sam's room. I knocked lightly on it and heard Sam say to come in.

I walked in to see him grabbing few things and him shuffling around his closet. "Are you ready or do you need a bit more time?" I asked. "I just need one more thing, but I can't find it." He said. I looked around his room as well, before realizing I had zero idea what I was looking for. "What're you looking for?" I asked him. "My pennyboard." He said. I looked around his room, looking for the dang pennyboard. I rechecked his closet and everywhere I looked before. I noticed a small chair sitting in the corner of Sam's room. I haven't looked behind that yet. Sam had gone out to ask Colby and everyone if they've seen his pennyboard. I looked behind the chair and there it was in all its glory, Sam's pennyboard. "Sam! I found it!" I yelled from his room. I heard rushing footsteps racing towards this room. The door opened and there stood the pennyboard's rightful owner. I pulled the board from behind the chair and gave it to Sam. "Thanks (Y/N)!" He thanked me. "No problem, now can we go?" I asked inpatiently. Sam nodded and I cheered. I quickly went to my room to unplug my phone from its charger. Once I got that, I went downstairs to wait by the front door. Colby was already down there, with his head looking down into his phone. I jumped behind him and pulled his hoodie over his head, "Boo!" I yelled. He jumped a little, but started laughing. "You ready?" He asked, I nodded. Finally, Sam walked down the stairs, grabbed his keys, and headed out the front door. We followed close behind.

I called shotgun, which meant Colby had to sit in the backseat. I pulled my headphones out of my bag and started listening to music. A sigh of relaxation escaped my lips as the music consumed my ears. The car started to move and we were out of the house. I stared outside at all the pedestrians and street signs. The sun was bright as it kissed my skin. Today was the beginning of many more adventures to come.

Good news!! I will be updating 3 times a week now. Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday! I get asked to update a lot so why not? Hope you enjoyed!
- Pao 🍎

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