Chapter 19

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I wake up next to a snoring Matt I look at the clock. It's 6:45 I curl back up to him and fall back asleep. The next thing I know Jack is jumping on us.

"Wake Up Lovebirds" "Wake Up Lovebirds" he yells in a sing song voice

We groan and sit up my hair is a mess but I don't care breakfast is my only concern. I push past the boys and run downstairs to find pancakes I say Good morning to my mom then grab me a plate full. Matt and Jack walk down the stairs laughing at me and my craziness. I roll my eyes still eating my food. After we've all finished eating we sit in the living room watching tv. We watch The Walking Dead, Ridiculousness, and some Big Bang Theory. I get hungry after a hour or so and get me some chips.

"Sis what did I tell you about all the eating?"

"Bro I don't care what you told me I love food so I will eat whenever I feel like it"

Him and Matt laugh at me as I eat my chips. I pay them no mind as I pick up my phone and text Hannah. (H-Hannah M-Mikayla)

M-Hey girl whatcha doin?

H-Nothing really you?

M-Just hangin with Matt and Jack wanna come over?

H-Yea I'll be there in 5

M-Kk see ya then

I tell the boys she's coming over then walk outside to wait on her. I sit on the porch swing still in my pajamas but I fixed my hair. She walks up my driveway and I run and give her a hug. We laugh as she almost falls over then we walk arm in arm in the house and to the living room. I plop down beside Matt and she sits beside me I tell her about Matt moving here.

"Good that way you and Mikayla can be closer but if you hurt her I will hurt your little man"

"I promise I will never hurt her I need my little man"

I laugh "You guys are crazy" Hannah says "Why thank you" After I have a little giggle fit for no reason we go back to watching tv. We sit in silence for a long time when Jack finally speaks up

"This is boring what do you guys wanna do?"

"I wanna go to the park"

"I agree with Mikayla" Hannah chimes in

"I also agree with the girls"

"The park it is then"

We all go to get ready me and Hannah head to my room to pick out a outfit. I decide in jean shorts, a cheerleading t-shirt, and vans I put my hair in a ponytail. We meet the boys downstairs we all head out the door and turn right to walk to the park. Matt and Jack are in the front talking with me and Hannah behind them talking. We talk about her and Carter and Me and Matt. When we reach the park I run over to a empty swing and start pushing myself I laugh as I go higher and higher. Jack joins me and we swing together while Hannah and Matt watch us act like little kids. After the swings we walk around until I find the jungle gym I go hang from the bars and Matt comes and gives dm a upside down kiss. Jack and Hannah both yell "No PDA" and I almost fall because it startled me but Matt catches me. There is a volleyball net with a volleyball so we play a game girls against boys obviously me and Hannah won were both really good plus we can spike which the boys can't.

We all walk back home and fall onto the couches I pop back up

"I'm hungry"

"Aren't you always hungry"

"Hush up Hannah"

"Well it's true"

"I can't help it"

"I know"

I sit back down with a apple I may love food but I gotta eat healthy sometimes. We all lay there just enjoying the relaxing comfort. Matt soon says "I'm gonna take a nap" we all agree so we all fall asleep. I wake up and nobody is in the living room I look around and I don't see anyone in the kitchen. I walk into the dining room and there stands a whole pile of people. "SURPRISE!!" they yell

I'm definitely surprised because there stand all of the Magcon boys. I run over to Taylor giving him a hug then Cameron, Nash, Carter,Aaron,Shawn, and Hayes and Jack J. They all say Happy Birthday and give me presents. I tell them they didn't have to but they insist. We all have burgers and fries then cake and ice cream. After I open presents I get iTunes cards from Hayes and Carter, 2 snap backs from Cameron, a gift card to Forever 21 from Nash, Bandanas from Taylor, Aaron carpenter beanie and shirt from Aaron, a cd of him singing my favorite songs from Shawn, a fox jacket from Jack J, and beats headphones from my brother. Last but not least I get a necklace and a charm bracelet from Matt the necklace says "ILoveYou" in cursive and the bracelet has a few charms like a ice cream cone, volleyball, and cheerleader. I thank them all and give them hugs again except I give Matt a kiss and whisper "I love them so much" in his ear he grins. We all party for awhile we play music on the patio and everybody dances mainly to Lip Gloss. We spend the rest of the night partying until the boys have to go to their hotel and Hannah has to go home. Matt and I crash on my bed I crawl under the covers mumbling "Thanks for an amazing birthday" then I'm out.


Don't forget to check out my imagine and preference book. Thanks for all the reads. I think I'm gonna call you guys my 🐼 panders because I love panderz😝

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