Fascinating blend of paranormal romance and Christian fiction!

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“Be Not Afraid” is one of those books that pull readers into a mystery world from the first page. This story is a modern twist on the Christian novel, mixed with horror, evil, power, and faith. I must admit, it has been some time since I read a fantasy novel, and to my great surprise, it was a FANTASTIC read! I enjoyed the thrilling ride to the last page.
I must warn you, it is a chilling and bloodthirsty tale, filled with vampires and dark superpowers trying to destroy human faith. K. R. Morrison manages to give the reader a wild cocktail of serious events by mixing secrecy, darkness, and the purity of the unbroken human spirit, tested by a demon.
The battle began late one evening when a vampire approached Lydia, one of the spiritual characters, who is beautifully developed throughout the story. That night her entire world turned into turmoil and horror. Vlad, a blood-hungry vampire, is determined to break her spirit and destroy her faith. He wants her to convert to a bloodthirsty vampire just like him. Torturing Lydia, he eventfully breaks her body, but not her faith in God, which saves her from becoming a vicious destroyer of her own soul and the people around her. He has her blood and body, but not her sanity. She may be his slave, but her spirit remains free and devoted to her religion, the only light she has left in the darkness of evil. Her strong faith saves her from the danger of being completely transformed into a violent beast like Vlad and his cohorts.
In spite of her suffering and pain, Lydia desperately tries to escape her horrific ordeal. She finds support in the face of God, the local church, priest, and her family, who help her battle a devil. The actions in this story are strong and fast-paced. A heroic battle between the forces of good and evil keeps readers on their toes. Lydia, the church, and her family may look weaker than the demons, but they have something Vlad and his followers do not have—faith in God. However, Lydia keeps one secret…
The author beautifully lures readers into the terrifying battle between two forces, Christianity and evil, portraying the drama of great actions and scenes, while also showing the courage of ordinary people fighting an extraordinary war. Christianity and the Devil should never mix, but this story proves that strong faith and an unbroken spirit always win. Fascinating twist! Great blend of horror, paranormal romance, and Christian fiction! Excellent read! Thank you for the thrilling moments!http://www.amazon.com/Be-Not-Afraid-KR-Morrison/dp/1940022517/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1395955210&sr=1-3&keywords=Be+not+afraid

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2014 ⏰

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