how to tell if a "nonhuman" account is fake

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sadly, ruining our already extremely fragile reputation fake accounts sometimes out number real ones here is a list on how to tell if its fake:

- copies other nonhuman diaries.....

example- MY CRUSH SPILLED WATER ON ME AND FOLLOWED ME TURNS OUT HES A MERMAN...oh yeah like articmermaid's crush did to her and found out that her crush is a mermaid too? nice try


example- "they put me in the circus!!!!11" all eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus. Hahaha no they didn't honey the biggest circus in the US had it's last show due to animal cruelty and that would be ALL OVER the news

-I ran away from home and some guy took me in

no example for this one..A diary literally had that. I found where they live via THEIR BIO guess what? No missing person (would be on their news there is only 11k people on the island). Googled their alleged name NO ONE IS NAMED THAT, nice try hun (this person has a huge following too)

-all they talk about is BOYS

not necessarily means that they're fake but this points more towards fiction teen romance than non-fiction 

example- the British exchange student, William was so H O T  . Oh my god!!!! IM GONNA MARRY WILLIAM NOW BYE --- Oh yeah being an avian is great. Ooh a name like William usually means attractive British boy in my head (no joke that's a hottie name that's why I used that name), shouldn't your "diary" be in romance then?

lemme write a fake diary entry

hey kitties! Today I met a hottie named William, he was British of course! ---OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! William sold me to the circus. But luckily AWTOK didn't get me. ok bye bye

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