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My most fragile moments are when I find myself alone
When I am in my bed, at 2am and I can't stop thinking
Never ending pestering thoughts, that beckon me at my most vulnerable state
Held captive by what should be the only thing I can trust; myself
Why haven't I found a way to end this, or am I too weak?
What have I done wrong
Where will I be when schools over
Or after that
What would have happened if I had kissed him
Or if I didn't?
Hot, salty and painful
They burn my cheeks, like hot coals from a fire
Embers burning, my mind is burning
When did life turn into a fragile game and stop being enjoyable
Stop thinking
A shaky hand removes the tears that stream down my face
Uneven breathes
Have I been crying this long
Does anyone else know this torturous feeling
Does anyone else find themselves burdened by their constant two track mind
or by hot tears running down their once full cheeks
Why is this game in my brain so challenging, and how have I found myself losing so miserably
Why am I so miserable

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