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He fell, for him.

Not with him, not before him, most certainly not after him. He fell from his happy, golden world for the man, the one person who needed him most.

This human was born on a planet of people that could barely understand the concept of a higher power, and yet he let himself fall from his home to save him as he fell. The human fell fast, body tense at first, then simply a mess of limbs flailing to slow the tumbling decent that he had allowed to start.

So then he tumbled from the heavens, falling farther and farther as his wings blackened and cracked. He'd catch the man, he'd save him. 

No, he did not love the man... He loved another, they both did. They both had someone waiting for them on the ground, waiting to love and hold. How they got there was the problem. His wings clung desperately to the thin and flimsy winds that rushed past, his fingers outstretched to reach him before it was too late for them both. He thought no more than four words as he grabbed the man's jacket.

Save him, for them.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Comment if you know what this is about!

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