Chapter 12

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Chapter twelve


Louis- *in between kisses* this...before?

Samantha- No.

Louis- *stops kissing her* What?

Samantha- I said no...

Louis- You haven't?

Samantha- No.

Louis- Damn.

Samantha- What?

Louis- I've never been a girls first before...

Samantha- Why is that a bad thing?

Louis- I don't want to hurt you.

Samantha-'s gonna happen eventually...

Louis- I know, but...I just figured you had done this before.

Samantha- Nope...just don't worry about it. It'll be fine.

Louis- Okay.

Samantha- *starts kissing him again*

Louis- *rubs his hands up and down her sides and fiddles with Berber clasp until he gets it undone, then pulls it off*

Samantha- Louis...*keeps kissing him*

Louis- Yeah?

Samantha- You have something, right?

Louis- What? Oh. *reaches over to the side dresser and gets a condom*

~He takes everything off and puts it on~

Louis- One more piece of clothing that comes between you and me. Are you sure?

Samantha- Yes.

Louis- *smiles and kisses her gently and takes it off of her*

~Twenty minutes later~

~Everyone has come back from the beach and they all went back to the apartments and showered~

~With Tara and Niall~

Tara- So, we're in our pajamas, all clean from the ocean water, now what?

Niall- You want to go see what Samantha and Louis have been up to?

Tara- Suuuuure.

~They go to Samantha and Louis' apartment~

~They knock on the door~

Louis- Oh, Samanthaaaaa!

~Niall and Tara look at each other really weird~

Tara- Are they-

~The door opens suddenly and they see Samantha standing there with her robe on~

Niall- *peeks behind her in the door and sees Louis on the couch, dressed and smiling at them*

Tara- Uh, hey.

Samantha- Hey. I just got out of the shower, sorry.

Niall- *still creeped out* We were wondering if you guys wanted to hang before we hit the hay....

Samantha- Sure. Come on in.

~They go in~

Tara- So, why did Louis scream?

Louis- *laughs at himself*

Samantha- Oh, he was just kidding around. He heard someone knock on the door and he was being perverted and trying to get whomever was at the door creeped out. *smiles awkwardly*

You've Got That One Thing( A One Direction Love Story) ***Discontinued***Where stories live. Discover now