Keith x Reader

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aye this is for @koalalover15 thansk for requesting fam, i got u

  (Y/N) woke up shaking and soaked in sweat, he had another nightmare from what he could tell, and every time he woke up, he couldn't remember what it was. But tonight was extra scary for some reason so he got up and started to walk around the castle, he went to the kitchen to get a snack, seeing he wasn't going to go to sleep anytime soon. He grabbed a small bar that tasted like granola and walked around the large and spacious castle, he passed the training room and heard the simulator was still on so he walked in, not paying attention and turned it off.

"Hey!" (Y/N) jumped at the voice, "GAH! What the- Keith?" He said looking at the red paladin who was sweating from the training he was doing, "Yeah, what are you doing up (Y/N)? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" He asked running a hand through his hair to help him cool off. "Yeah, and shouldn't you?" He retorted, Keith nodded "Good point," it got quiet after that comment. "So wanna walk with me?" (Y/N) asked him, pointing his thumb to the door. "Yeah, sure," Keith said and started walking with him.

(Y/N) and Keith walked around a bit in silence until Keith spoke up, "So...couldn't sleep?" He asked softly, (Y/N) shrugged, "Yes and no, I had a bad dream, and I didn't want to go back to sleep," he stated as they walked into the kitchen, "You hungry? I'm no Hunk, but I can make something," he said starting to get out small things he remembered that tasted good and started to prepare something small. "Yeah sure, thanks," he leans on the counter and watches as (Y/N) moves around the kitchen. When (Y/N) was done he handed Keith a plate and they both sat next to each other as they ate in comfortable silence.

When they were done (Y/N) yawned, Keith chuckled, "Tired now are we?" He said and (Y/N) gave him a look, "Well it is super early and we both need sleep, considering you have Gucci bags under your eyes," he said poking under Keith's eye. He rolled his eyes, "Yeah yeah, but I'm not ready for bed yet," he said sitting there leaning on his elbow looking at (Y/N), "Wanna walk around a little more?" He asked standing up. (Y/N) yawned lightly and nodded, he stood up and started to walk with Keith, who was navigating the two through the large hallways of the castle.

While they were walking (Y/N) furrowed his brows, "Wait," they both stopped, "What?" Keith asked raising a brow, "Why are you up?" (Y/N) said concerned. Keith let out a breath, "Couldn't sleep, thinking about my family and my heritage and stuff," he said running a hand through his hair. (Y/N) hugged him and buried his head in his chest, "Why didn't you say that dummy?" He said softly and Keith wrapped his arms around (Y/N) and smiled at him, he waited for him to stand back up but he heard a light snore and chuckled, "He's asleep..." he said and picked him up and walked to him room.

The door to (Y/N)'s room slid open and Keith walked to his bed and tried to lay him in his bed, but (Y/N) was clinging to him and he kept trying to pull him off, but that wasn't gonna happen anytime soon. So Keith kicked off his boots and climbed into bed with (Y/N) comfortable you laying on him, and with that Keith fell asleep.

The crew had woken up and were all sitting at the table waiting for (Y/N) and Keith, but they were no where to be found. "Maybe the had some fun last night," Lance said wiggling his eyebrows and Pidge laughed, "Yeah probably not, I'm gonna go see where they are, my best guess is that their sleeping in," she said getting up with everyone else following her. She had gone into Keith's room and she furrowed her brows seeing that he wasn't in there. Shiro had came back and shook his head, "Keith isn't training," and then everyone watched as Pidge walked into (Y/N)'s room.

Everyone awwed looking at the two of them cuddling in the bed. Lance pulled out a small tablet and snapped a few pics for....later use and chuckled as he backed up. The scene played out before them was Keith cuddling with (Y/N), his nose in his hair and his arms wrapped around his waist and hi legs tangled with (Y/N)'s. (Y/N) had made a small noise and he snuggled closer into Keith and he adjusted himself to where he was comfortable and then Keith stirred and lifted his head to see what all the commotion was and it took him a couple of seconds to realize what he was doing and then he blushed, he tried to say explain himself but he didn't want to wake up (Y/N). Keith sighed and waved for them to leave and they did, he laid his head back down and he smiled in content as he laid there in (Y/N)'s bed.

aAAAAAAA THis was sO CUTEEE!!! And thanks to everyone voting and commenting such nice things on here,,,it gives me warm fuzzy feelings inside! Also I'm trying to get through all the paladins first before I get to your requests,,it may take a while but I'm up for it! Don't worry im trying to write as fast as possible!

Voltron x Male!Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें