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The siblings looked, astonished. There, sitting infront of them was sally. Sally acachalla. A woman with the mental state of a six year old. Well, thats how the siblings made her. However, she only looked around ten. Not sticking with the sibling's orgininal law aparantly. Though thats probably a good thing. She had a waffle in her hand and was sitting on freddie, her pet dinosaur. She had a big smile on her face, happy to meet new people, until she saw Isaac.

"Oh no your huwrt! Come inside i bwet mama can hewp!" She jumped of the giant lizard and skipped inside, with the siblings hesitatingly following.

"I am now 100% sure I'm dreaming." Bethany said with a nervous laugh.

"Does that mean im dreaming too? Wait- then how are we having the same dream? Or are you just part of my dream? Or am I part of yours..?" Cierra babbled on, confusing her self and her siblings.

"Cierra. How does that even make sense?" Jordan laughed.

"Mama! I fouwnd some people!"sally called out. A tall, curly haired red head popped her haid out with a smile, greeting the strangers.

"Oh, Hello! Im gertrude!" Just like sally, gertrudes smile quickly faded at the sight if isaac. "Oh. Come here hun, we better sort him out."

Jordan sat isaac down, making him lean against the wall so i wouldnt fall over. He then stood in the corner watching everyone. One, for suspicious behavior (he didnt particularly trust this) and two, for inconsistencies so he could say he was definatly dreaming. Though, he had already come to terms with that. I mean, the're made up characters after all. It wouldnt be the first time jordan's dreamt something like this.

"Sally, hun? Can you go fetch the med kid from billys room?" Gertrude asked kindly.

"Ok mama!" Sally skipped off, singing 'freddie's got his baby teeth'

"Darn it sally! Would ya quiet down in there! Im tryin' to consecrate over 'ere!" An old grouchy voice yelled from the living room. This was presumably papa acachalla, gertrude's husband and sally's farther. A grumpy old bum who pretty much lived off of food and TV.

"Since when did watching TV need concentwation papa?" Sally replyed, with a hint of sass. She got a grunt in responce and carried on skipping her way upstairs.

'Wow. Sally has my sass. Haha. And What were we thinking putting these guys together? An inicent child, a kind hearted woman. And.. papa. A grouchy old bum.' Cierra thought

A few minutes later, sally came
Jumping back down the stairs with the med kid and handed it to gertrude, who quickly started cleaning isaac's wound up.

As she did so, she notice small black specks hiding in the cut. Isaacs arm looked burnt dispite onty being a cut.

"If you don't mine me asking, what happened?" She asked, curious to know what was on his arm. And for his safety of course.

"He just got attacked by some.. creature. It kinda looked like a.. zombie? I guess. Some sort of deformed human. Had a black eye. Not bruesed. Literally, one of its eyes were black." Cierra explained to the red head. Gertrude sighed.

"Those things again? I thought the johnny's got rid of all of them." She sighed and went to grab he phone, which was sitting on the counter beside her.

"What'cha doing?" Bethany asked.

"Calling Pie. If im correct, the thing that attacked your brother might cause his arm to.. rot? That'd be why his wound looks burnt. They sould know how to fix it." Gertrude started dialling the number. Bethany looked over to the number gertrude was calling in curiosity.


Of course. Leave it to them, the company with the name and logo on PI, to have the first ten digits of PI as the company phone number. A small smile formed on bethany's face along with a quiet giggle.

"Hello?..Yes ghost it's us again...No, its not maxwell. Or any ghost for tha matter... ok, so we've got this problem. You know those zombie things you and toast tried to get rid of a few weeks back?... well, yes i say 'tried' because im pretty sure you left some because..." gerturde put her hand over the phone for a second a turned to cierra. "Sorry, what was his name?" She asked.

"Oh- its Isaac." Cierra replyed. She looked over at his wound and noticed that gertrude hadn't bandaged it up. (Probably because by the sound of it, she was getting the johnny's round to check it out.) so she went ahead and wrapped a kitchen towel around it just to slow the bleeding. It was definitely slower then earlier but still bleeding.

"Ok. Just got done with ghost, they should be round in about ten minutes to sort him out. Until then, theres nothing else i can do. I dont know how to treat a wound from one of those things and i don't want to make it worse." Gertrude explained.

Jordan, still just stading in the corner, felt worrie build up inside him. Ghost was one of his characters. His favourite yet one of his most dangerous. He didnt feel comfortable being in the same place as him, let alone putting his brother's health in his hands. However, it was still probably the best option.
Jordan kept reminding himself that this was all just a dream. It had to be. So it wouldnt matter soon anyway.

The siblings sat down at the table as gertrude made everyone some hot chocolate, and sally some waffle since she had just run out. She opened the freezer which was literally filled with nothing but waffles. Oh, and a single tub of icecream.

They all just talked for a while as they waited for the johnny's to arrive. And the longer they talked, the less the siblings began to believe this was a dream.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

No More Games (VenturianTale Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें